As Boomers grow scared of exiting the workforce, seniority gets an overhaul
Implications - As the level of financial security amidst retirement age workers dwindles, aging employees are not simply staying in the workforce longer, but growing to fear retirement. Encouraging Boomers to embrace retired life, Gen X and Y are highlighting the joys associated with a life without work through photography and social media-based initiatives. The push towards emphasizing how to live past 60 in a positive, exciting and adventurous way is becoming far more pervasive than in previous generations.
Trend Themes
1. Aging Population Staying Active - There is an increasing trend of aging adults staying active in order to enhance the quality of their senior years.
2. Positive Aging Stereotypes - There is a movement of showcasing aging seniors in a positive light and dismantling previous stereotypes.
3. Senior Travel Opportunities - There is an increase in travel opportunities for seniors that allow them to explore and remain active in their golden years.
Industry Implications
1. Senior Living Facilities - Senior living facilities can incorporate various ways for seniors to stay active and engaged, such as travel programs and photography classes.
2. Travel and Tourism - The travel and tourism industry can create packages and programs specifically designed for seniors that promote active lifestyles and personal fulfillment.
3. Marketing and Advertising - Marketing and advertising professionals can use campaigns to change the previous stereotypes of senior citizens and showcase their vitality and active lives.
11 Featured, 74 Examples:
766,042 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Oct 13 — Apr 15
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