Brands try to make plant-based eating more cost-accessible
Trend - Healthy, plant-based eating options tend to be costly, but some brands in the food industry are trying to change the perception that eating vegan is expensive. These cost-accessible products range from vegan fast-food imitations to more sophisticated meal kit options.
Insight - As factors like inflation, high costs of living, and stagnant wages compound--consumers are increasingly having to budget and prioritize cost-accessibility in their day-to-day purchase decisions. As this trend continues, brands that cater to those who are looking for cheaper options are going to become increasingly valued by consumers.
Insight - As factors like inflation, high costs of living, and stagnant wages compound--consumers are increasingly having to budget and prioritize cost-accessibility in their day-to-day purchase decisions. As this trend continues, brands that cater to those who are looking for cheaper options are going to become increasingly valued by consumers.
Workshop Question - How is your brand prioritizing accessibility for its customers?
Trend Themes
1. Affordable Plant-based Foods - Brands are introducing affordable plant-based options to cater to the demand for more accessible vegan products.
2. Convenience in Plant-based Eating - Brands are providing convenient, ready-to-eat options for flexitarians and vegans alike.
3. Plant-based Proliferation - There is an increase in the availability and variety of plant-based options across different product categories and industries.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - Food and beverage brands are introducing affordable and convenient plant-based options for their existing products to cater to the growing demand for healthier, more ethical food choices.
2. Retail - Retailers are starting to stock more plant-based products as demand for vegan, vegetarian and flexitarian options grows.
3. E-commerce - Online retailers are beginning to introduce and promote affordable plant-based products as an easy and accessible option for customers wanting to explore alternatives to animal-derived products.