Powdered conditioners work side-by-side with powdered shampoos
Trend - Powdered shampoos and face washes have become popular for their convenience and for their environmental benefits, and hair care brands are now releasing powdered conditioners that turn to a moisturizing paste when they're mixed with water.
Insight - As climate change progresses and its consequences become more apparent, more consumers are beginning to feel climate-related anxiety. To mitigate feelings of stress or hopelessness related to climate change (and to feel a sense of control), consumers are increasingly making eco-friendly choices when they're shopping.
Insight - As climate change progresses and its consequences become more apparent, more consumers are beginning to feel climate-related anxiety. To mitigate feelings of stress or hopelessness related to climate change (and to feel a sense of control), consumers are increasingly making eco-friendly choices when they're shopping.
Workshop Question - How is your brand empowering customers to make eco-friendly choices?
Trend Themes
1. Powdered Personal Care Products - Powdered personal care products are becoming increasingly popular as a way to reduce plastic waste and offer more sustainable alternatives.
2. Water-activated Hair Care - Products that activate with water, like shampoos, conditioners, and cleansers, are convenient and offer opportunities to reduce water usage and packaging waste.
3. Low-waste Hair Routines - Conscious consumers are looking for products and routines that offer a sustainable approach to hair care, including low-waste packaging and ingredients.
Industry Implications
1. Personal Care - The personal care industry can look to trends like powdered products and water-activated hair care for inspiration to reduce waste and offer more eco-friendly options.
2. Hospitality - The hospitality industry can look to low-waste and compostable personal care products and packaging to provide more sustainable options for guests.
3. Sustainability - Industries focused on sustainability solutions can explore water-activated and low-waste options for hair care products as a way to reduce environmental impact.