Consumers re-embrace healthful vinegar in a variety of beverages
Implications - Prized for its detoxifying properties and use as a digestive aid, vinegar-based beverages are emerging as a viable means of engaging consumers fixated on health and wellness. In addition to reaffirming the desire to experiment with flavor extremes, this progression demonstrates the interest in supporting overall health through ancient methods.
Workshop Question - What's something your brand can integrate from a historical ritual or ingredient associated with your offering?
Trend Themes
1. Vinegar-based Beverages - Consumers are turning to vinegar-based drinks for their detoxifying properties and overall health benefits.
2. Sparkling, Health-focused Drinks - Beverage manufacturers are creating fizzy, health-oriented drinks to cater to consumers looking for a healthier alternative to soda.
3. Detoxifying Drinks - Consumers are drawn to drinks with detoxifying ingredients such as ginger, matcha, and vinegar to help eliminate toxins from their bodies.
Industry Implications
1. Beverage Manufacturing - Beverage manufacturers can create innovative new products utilizing vinegar, matcha, ginger, and other detoxifying ingredients to meet the growing demand for health-focused drinks.
2. Functional Foods - Functional food manufacturers can create products with specific health benefits, such as improving digestion, boosting the immune system, and reducing stress.
3. Natural and Organic Products - Companies that cater to the natural and organic products market can tap into the demand for healthy drinks by using locally sourced, organic ingredients in their products.