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Productionized Creativity

Maker culture has created a generation of almost-artists

Implications - The Maker Culture phenomenon has infiltrated many industries, however not all consumers have the skills to participate in the wave. Arts and craft kits accommodate maker neophytes, creating a sense of comfort while also providing the opportunity for creative expression. This serves as an example of how to ease the mainstream consumer into niche, social media-driven phenomenon.
Workshop Question - How can your brand incorporate the hand-on aspects of maker culture to better accommodate this online phenomenon?
Trend Themes
1. Arts and Craft Kits - Arts and craft kits serve as examples of how to ease the mainstream consumer into niche, social media-driven phenomenon
2. Interactive Paper Technology - Interactive paper technology eliminates the complicated electronic wiring and programming processes
3. DIY Home Decor Kits - DIY home decor kits are becoming increasingly popular, encouraging amateur and advanced artists to let off some steam by creating modern living decor.
Industry Implications
1. Craft and Hobby Industry - The craft and hobby industry can explore how to develop user-friendly kits that accommodate maker neophytes
2. Home Decor Industry - The home decor industry can tap into the demand for DIY home decor kits that allows people to create modern living decor.
3. Educational Toys and Games Industry - The educational toys and games industry can explore how to create interactive and educational kits that are easy and fun for children to assemble.
5 Featured, 45 Examples:
281,297 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Dec 15 — Apr 16
Consumer Insight Topics:

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