Health beverages incorporate collagen for maximum anti-aging power
Implications - As consumers look to make dietary choices that don't hinder wellness goals, many are seeking out health beverages that serve to invest in the overall maintenance of one's skin. In addition to being an extension of the modern view of preventative self-care, this shift demonstrates the opportunity for brands to create products and services that satisfy the desire for experiences that incorporate both elements of indulgence and well-being.
Workshop Question - What added benefits can you emulate from adjacent industries to create a new category?
Trend Themes
1. Beauty Drinks - Companies are alluring consumers with beauty beverages infused with botanicals and vitamins, and fortified with collagen for skin radiance or other health benefits.
2. Nutricosmetics - Consumers are embracing ingestible supplements marketed as cosmetics, which offer a natural, science-informed approach to beauty challenges, and address multiple skin conditions.
3. Multivitamin Beverages - Aesthetic-boosting drinks infused with a range of vitamins, minerals, and nutraceuticals present a new market segment with high value for health-conscious consumers seeking efficient access to essential nutrients.
Industry Implications
1. Beauty and Personal Care - Companies can leverage the potential of beauty drinks to reach and retain consumers looking for holistic wellness solutions, and develop multifunctional products that serve an array of skincare needs.
2. Health and Wellness - Pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals companies can pursue opportunities in the nutricosmetics space, to offer effective, natural solutions for skin repair, renewal, and rejuvenation.
3. Beverage - Manufacturers can branch out into the production of multi-nutrient drinks, integrating essential vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, collagen or other innovative ingredients, to cater to health-conscious consumers and diversify their product offerings.