Tongue-in-cheek wordplay is adopted by brands to convey character
Implications - Packing elements of character and bragging into product marketing, the utilization of wordplay is catching attention for being off the cuff and personable. This laid back, carefree approach relates to consumers on more human level, and makes brand interactions more conversational rather than one-sided.
Trend Themes
1. Punny Branding - Brands are adopting tongue-in-cheek wordplay for product marketing, resulting in a more conversational approach with customers.
2. Funny Food Packaging - Designers are developing humorous packaging concepts that allow consumers to have a more engaging interaction with food products.
3. Power-based Packaging - Products like flour are being rebranded with packaging that features a new take on popular phrases or symbols, allowing consumers to identify with a sense of strength and power.
Industry Implications
1. Food & Beverage - These trends offer great opportunities for food and beverage companies to create a unique brand image and expand their customer base.
2. Design & Packaging - Design and packaging professionals can use these trends to create fun, playful, and engaging designs that stand out in the marketplace.
3. Marketing & Advertising - Marketing and advertising professionals can use these trends to develop more conversational and humorous approaches to brand storytelling.