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Online Protection

Brands create safe, anti-harassment online communities

Implications - With online harassment in varying forms becoming increasingly common, brands are choosing to offer enhanced protections to individuals who use their online platforms. Whether through active monitoring or algorithms that offer trigger warnings, these spaces are taking steps to enhance safe spaces in the digital world in order to better protect vulnerable individuals.
Workshop Question - How could your brand contribute to anti-harassment policies or spaces in order to enhance its customer experience?
Trend Themes
1. Anti-harassment Online Communities - Companies are integrating AI and active monitoring to protect vulnerable online communities and create virtual safe spaces.
2. Student Resources Apps - Apps are being developed for students that allow the monitoring of student activity, providing resources and support for education and beyond.
3. Happiness-focused Social Media Departments - In response to concerns over the negative impact social media can have on mental health, some companies are creating new departments focused on mental health support.
4. Toxicity-curbing Chat Filters - New technology is being implemented by gaming companies to reduce toxicity and curb hate speech within online game communities.
Industry Implications
1. Online Community Management - Companies can leverage AI and active monitoring to create supportive and safe virtual communities.
2. Education Technology - There are many opportunities to expand the use of apps for education to support student well-being beyond the classroom.
3. Digital and Social Media Management - Brands can create dedicated departments to focus on mental health support and wellbeing for their digital communities.
4. Gaming and Live Streaming - Companies can utilize chat filtering to improve online communities and provide a safer, more welcoming gaming experience for all users.
4 Featured, 36 Examples:
40,233 Total Clicks
Date Range:
May 17 — Jul 18
Consumer Insight Topics:

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