Brands focus on increasing the appetites of those undergoing treatments
Implications - Brands are honing in on their ability to help individuals going through treatments like chemotherapy, and are offering products and cookbooks that aim to alleviate the appetite-suppression that such treatments often result in. This shift simultaneously helps and empower individuals with cancer, as the brands in question help patients put certain aspects of their health into their own hands.
Workshop Question - How could your brand better empower its consumer?
Trend Themes
1. Cannabis-infused Edibles - Cannabis is increasingly being used in edible form as an alternative to smoking, offering an opportunity for brands to create product lines based around this trend.
2. Cbd-based Products - CBD is becoming popular for its anti-anxiety and stress-relieving properties, presenting potential for brands to develop high-quality products with unique flavors infused with CBD.
3. Specialty Cookbooks for Specific Tastes - Using the power of curation, brands can create cookbook offerings that target specific diets, requirements, and taste bud changes that accompany illnesses and medical treatments.
Industry Implications
1. Cannabis - The cannabis industry can explore the cannabis-infused edibles trend to develop new products that cater to consumer preferences and explore new method of consumption.
2. Health and Wellness - The health and wellness industry can develop products that serve patients and their unique tastes, such as the Cordial Balance tincture and The Chemo Kitchen Cookbook.
3. Gifts - Gifting companies can leverage the growing demand for organic gifts that promote nourishment, wellness, and relaxation, such as Cornucopia's cancer care packages.