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Alternative Matcha

Matcha consumption strays from simple tea and coffee beverages

Implications - The rise in popularity of matcha lattes and teas has brought on a range of alternative beverages and products through which people can achieve the benefits of the powdered green tea leaves. These products cater to consumers' preference for both natural consumption, and for novel elements in the items they choose to purchase.
Workshop Question - How can your brand appeal to consumers' preference for naturality or novelty?
Trend Themes
1. Alternative Matcha Consumption - As people continue to explore matcha, there are innovative products popping up like sparkling matcha beverages, CBD-infused matcha cold brews, superfood vitamin gummies, and matcha-infused drinking vinegars.
2. Functional Beverages - With the rise of novel and natural elements in beverages, the demand for functional beverages has also been increasing. This extends to new categories such as matcha-infused drinking vinegars.
3. Convenience of Health Products - The popularity of novel healthy products available in easy-to-consume formats such as matcha-infused gummy vitamins provides innovators further opportunities for premiumization and packaging optimization.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - The food and beverage market is seeing an increasing demand for functional, healthy alternatives and novel ingredient choices such as those found in the matcha industry.
2. Health and Wellness - Due to the health benefits of matcha and the increasing popularity of functional beverages, the health and wellness market is benefiting from the trend of novel matcha products.
3. Beauty and Personal Care - Matcha-infused gummy vitamins that help maintain the health of skin, joints and bones are an example of how beauty and personal care products for both men and women can capitalize on this superfood's popularity.
4 Featured, 36 Examples:
55,614 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Apr 18 — Jul 18
Consumer Insight Topics:

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