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Maintenance-Free Function

Essential items have limited maintenance-related costs and efforts

Implications - Brands are increasingly prioritizing design that avoids the costs and exertion related to maintaining essential items – with everything from homes and cars to food growers now adopting designs that are relatively maintenance-free. This shift caters to the consumer desire for purchasing long-lasting items, a slow but important reversal of the "use and discard" model of consumption that brands have long been pushing for maximum profit.
Workshop Question - How can your brand offer its consumers long-term solutions, as opposed to topical ones?
Trend Themes
1. Maintenance-free Design - Designs that avoid costs and efforts related to maintenance are becoming increasingly popular.
2. Sustainability and Eco-friendliness - Consumer desire for sustainability and eco-friendliness is driving the trend towards maintenance-free design.
3. Smart Home Solutions - Consumers are seeking more hands-off approaches to smart home solutions that require minimal maintenance.
Industry Implications
1. Home and Housing - New and innovative housing concepts are being designed to meet the needs of different demographics with low-maintenance living in mind.
2. Automotive and Transportation - Electric cars are becoming increasingly popular due to their low-maintenance design and sustainable features.
3. Home Improvement and Tools - Tools and appliances that require little or no maintenance are becoming more popular and desirable for homeowners.
5 Featured, 45 Examples:
151,649 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Mar 17 — Jul 18
Consumer Insight Topics:

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