Human rituals are extended to cater to the needs of canine companions
Implications - A reminder of the ever-expanding nature of the pet accessories market, consumers seek to up the investment in the lifestyle of one's canine companions. This progressions speaks to the freedom with which contemporary consumers have to create their own realities, and additionally highlights the new expanded budgets many consumers are carving out for non-essential dog perks.
Workshop Question - How can you offer customization of your product or service that empowers and supports consumers in constructing these new lifestyles of their own choosing?
Trend Themes
1. Canine Lifestyle - Consumers are investing more in the lifestyle of their canine companions, upping the demand for non-essential dog perks.
2. Human-inspired Pet Products - Pet-friendly and human-inspired products are becoming increasingly popular, as consumers are looking to include their beloved furry friends in their favorite rituals and traditions.
3. Traveling with Pets - There is more focus on the importance of getting a pet passport for air travel and making travel with pets easy and effortless.
Industry Implications
1. Pet Accessories - The pet accessories market is constantly expanding and more focus is being placed on innovative, non-essential pet products.
2. Pet Fashion and Apparel - Pet fashion and apparel is becoming increasingly popular, as owners are looking for trendy and stylish outfits for their pets.
3. Pet-friendly Tourism - Pet-friendly tourism is becoming increasingly important and there is more focus on making traveling with pets easy and comfortable.