Brands aim to connect to Gen Z's creativity in their campaigns
Trend - Gen Z creativity, typically expressed through digital platforms, has become a key quality of this generation. Brands are aiming to appeal to this generation using the same collaborative and creativity-based approach that this generation brings to the pop culture and entertainment space.
Insight - As Gen Z becomes the demographic that drives pop culture, entertainment and other consumption trends, brands are having to align their values with those of this generation. Gen Z demographics value creativity, collaboration, authenticity and social consciousness--which brands must address if they want to stay relevant to this generation.
Insight - As Gen Z becomes the demographic that drives pop culture, entertainment and other consumption trends, brands are having to align their values with those of this generation. Gen Z demographics value creativity, collaboration, authenticity and social consciousness--which brands must address if they want to stay relevant to this generation.
Workshop Question - How is your brand pivoting to better appeal to Gen Z?
Trend Themes
1. Gen Z Creativity - Brands are adapting to Gen Z's creative nature by incorporating collaboration-based approaches for marketing initiatives.
2. Virtual Influencer Campaigns - Virtual influencers are being utilized in campaigns to connect with younger demographics and promote unique messaging.
3. Phone Campaigns - Brands and companies are capitalizing on Gen Z's digital savvy skills and phone usage to promote initiatives and to use phones for more than a communication device.
Industry Implications
1. Digital Advertising and Creative Agencies - By incorporating innovative approaches to connect with younger demographic, the industry can drive more brand engagement and byline conversions.
2. Fashion and Apparel - By promoting social consciousness, brands can attract younger, socially responsible consumers who value making a difference and expect brands to do the same.
3. Health and Beauty - By highlighting science-based health benefits, brands can connect and educate younger consumers on the advantages of health and beauty products.
8 Featured, 70 Examples:
107,638 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Jun 20 — Sep 21
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