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Adjacent Aspiration

Peers, Families, and Co-Workers Gamify Tasks to Compete at Goals Big & Small

Implications - Consumers are gamifying every aspect of their lives, and apps that enable them to compete against those who they have deeper connections with are becoming more coveted. The intensity of competition of these "everyday gamers" gets heightened when opponents are someone they have a relationship with, signifying a desire for more realistic goals when it comes to self-improvement.
Workshop Question - How could your brand leverage gamification to become more integrated into consumers' everyday lifestyle?
Trend Themes
1. Gamification - Consumers are increasingly gamifying their daily activities through apps and other digital platforms to compete and incentivize tasks.
2. Incentivization - Apps and platforms that incentivize completion of tasks through rewards and other motivations are becoming popular in various industries.
3. Collaborative Platforms - Open-source project management tools and other collaborative platforms are emerging to help teams stay organized and efficient.
Industry Implications
1. Hospitality - The hospitality industry can incorporate gamification and incentivization in their marketing strategies to enhance user experiences and engagement.
2. Household Management - Gamified and incentivized apps focusing on household chores and tasks can provide an opportunity for businesses to tap into the domestic management and technology market segment.
3. Workplace Productivity - Open-source and collaborative platforms can help businesses efficiently manage team projects, tasks, and deadlines to increase workplace productivity and efficiency.
5 Featured, 43 Examples:
95,858 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Jan 15 — Aug 16
Consumer Insight Topics:

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