The Atheos App Helps Atheist Debate God's Existence With Believers
Rahul Kalvapalle — August 23, 2016 — Tech
References: atheos-app & deseretnews
Dr. Peter Boghossian, a professor and philosopher associated with Portland State University, has launched an innovative smartphone app that is designed to make it easier than ever for passionate atheists to go ahead and engage in theological debates with believers.
The Atheos app aims to reconfigure theological debates around a framework of mutual respect, something which is often missing from such conversations. The app allows users to explore and question beliefs in a mature and safe environment that is designed to foster knowledge rather than name-calling. The app even helps ardent atheists make their arguments by supplying them with information and resources to call upon.
Theological debates are likely to rage as long as there are people on this earth, but the Atheos app aims to add some maturity and conviviality to these important discussions.
The Atheos app aims to reconfigure theological debates around a framework of mutual respect, something which is often missing from such conversations. The app allows users to explore and question beliefs in a mature and safe environment that is designed to foster knowledge rather than name-calling. The app even helps ardent atheists make their arguments by supplying them with information and resources to call upon.
Theological debates are likely to rage as long as there are people on this earth, but the Atheos app aims to add some maturity and conviviality to these important discussions.
Trend Themes
1. Theological Debate Apps - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop interactive platforms that foster respectful and informed theological debates.
2. Mutual Respect Framework - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create tools or processes that encourage respectful conversations between individuals with differing beliefs.
3. Knowledge-enhancing Apps - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop apps that provide users with information and resources to support their arguments in various discussions.
Industry Implications
1. Education Technology - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Incorporate the use of technology to enhance educational experiences, such as theological debates.
2. Social Media - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Build social media platforms tailored for respectful and meaningful discussions on sensitive topics.
3. Information Services - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Offer information services that provide users with access to credible resources for debates in various fields.