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Anti-Consumerist Campaign

Brands emerge with bold campaigns against shopping holidays

Implications - Brands are beginning to remove themselves from the chaos of annual shopping holidays such as Black Friday by suggesting customers spend their time in healthier, more beneficial ways. In addition to being criticized as a display of conspicuous consumption, these holidays also raise concerns about the health and safety of staff and customers, as well as labor violations. Overall, this movement is an opportunity for brands to establish themselves as allies against unethical business practices.
Workshop Question - What consumer values does your brand align with? How are you progressing those values?
Trend Themes
1. Anti-shopping Campaigns - The rise of anti-shopping campaigns for shopping holidays like Black Friday is an opportunity for brands to establish themselves as allies against unethical business practices.
2. Charitable Consumerism - Charitable consumerism campaigns like the one by Everlane provide an opportunity for companies to educate consumers on the real costs and sources of what they buy while also giving back to the community.
3. Sustainable Clothing Practices - Worn clothing swaps and donations campaigns, like those by Patagonia and Levi's respectively, are part of a larger trend of sustainable clothing practices that seek to reduce waste and encourage consumers to participate in circular consumption.
Industry Implications
1. Retail - Anti-shopping campaigns and charitable consumerism campaigns can be implemented by any retailer looking to establish themselves as an ally to consumers who are concerned about the ethics of businesses.
2. Fashion - Sustainable clothing practices, like clothing swaps and donations campaigns, are part of a larger trend of environmentally-friendly fashion that seek to reduce waste and encourage circular consumption.
3. Outdoor Recreation - The REI Opt Outside campaign reflects a larger trend towards active lifestyles, as more people seek to spend their time outdoors and away from the chaotic consumerist culture of shopping holidays.
4 Featured, 35 Examples:
116,530 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Nov 14 — Nov 15

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