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Social Media Therapy

The virtual community becomes a place to seek advice

Implications - Social media is not only becoming more accessible, but is also providing users with a means for more in-depth interaction. Users are reaching out to their online “friends” and other online community members for advice on everyday problems and even serious issues. With the convenience of finding therapeutic relief online, individuals may decide to consult their real-world peers less often.
Trend Themes
1. Digital Therapy - Users are increasingly seeking therapeutic relief and advice online, indicating a growing demand for digital therapy solutions.
2. Crowdsourced Counseling - Crowdsourced suggestions and feedback are becoming a popular solution for individuals seeking relationship advice and counsel online.
3. Social Compatibility Tools - Astrological and psychological principles are being used to develop social compatibility tools that analyze relationships and help users learn from them over time.
Industry Implications
1. Digital Health - Digital health companies can develop and market online therapy solutions that cater to the growing demand for digital wellness.
2. Social Media - Social media platforms can integrate digital therapy solutions to engage users and provide them with a more holistic social experience.
3. Relationship/marriage Services - Businesses can create and market digital tools that help individuals manage their relationships and seek advice and guidance online.
4 Featured, 35 Examples:
1,097,870 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Sep 09 — Apr 11
Consumer Insight Topics:

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