Social networking culture becomes more evident with stereotypes
Implications - Social media users are being separated into stereotypical groups of people who share the same preferences and characteristics. With more and more sites and illustrations dedicating their time to profiling the social media user, the more apparent it becomes that the activity of social networking has become a culture in and of itself, filled with its own unique demands, qualities and “subcultures.”
Trend Themes
1. Social Media Stereotyping - The emergence of social media stereotype groups and classifications in social networking culture.
2. Humorous Social Media Parodies - Humorous parodies that poke fun at the stereotypes and archetypes of social media users.
3. Social Media Perception - The influence of social media on one's perception and the emergence of social media categorizing.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment - Entertainment industry can utilize social media stereotypes as material for comedic purposes.
2. Marketing - Marketing industry can study social media stereotypes as a way of identifying their target market.
3. Psychology - Psychology industry can evaluate social media perception and its impact on self-esteem and body image.
4 Featured, 23 Examples:
540,827 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Mar 11 — Apr 11
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