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Social Comfort

The “comforts” of social media extend from the virtual world to reality

Implications - Businesses are creating products that resemble well-known online icons in the form of pillows and cushions, presenting the idea that Internet users can now feel even more at home with their online niches. Today, any given online user is part of a variety of social platforms, which presents a market for a plethora of products that appeal to different social media users and allow them to feel connected with their online communities even when they’re offline.
Trend Themes
1. Social Media-inspired Home Decor - The emergence of social media-inspired home decor is a result of the growing popularity of social networking.
2. Brand Marketing Through Pop Culture Iconography - Craftsquatch's social networking cushions and iPhone icon pillows demonstrate the potential for marketing products by incorporating recognizable pop culture icons.
3. Internet Culture-inspired Merchandise - Etsy store Craftsquatch's range of social media stuffies and icon pillows points towards the trend of merchandise inspired by Internet culture.
Industry Implications
1. Home Decor and Furnishings - The emergence of social media-inspired pillows and cushions presents an opportunity for businesses in the home decor and furnishings industry to tap into the market of social media users looking for ways to feel connected with their online communites offline.
2. Pop Culture Merchandise - Craftsquatch's icon pillows demonstrate how businesses in the pop culture merchandise industry can capitalize on recognizable pop culture icons to reach their target market.
3. E-commerce - Etsy store Craftsquatch highlights opportunities for e-commerce platforms and small businesses to provide consumers with unique and specific merchandise aimed at niche markets such as social media users and Internet enthusiasts.
5 Featured, 37 Examples:
513,172 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Jul 09 — Apr 11
Consumer Insight Topics:

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