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Smart Selling

Marketers use technology to tap into customer preferences

Implications - The root of successful selling may lie in a brand’s ability to incorporate technology. Targeted selling has reached a new level: gadgets can track customer satisfaction and analyze preferences, thereby making it easier for marketers to understand their customers. On the consumer end, innovations that incorporate social networking, enhance user experience and elevate convenience provide new ways to lure buyers.
Trend Themes
1. Smart Selling - Technology helps marketers track customer preferences and provide new ways to lure buyers.
2. Scan-responsive Advertising - Billboards and vending machines use facial recognition technology to target advertising to specific demographics.
3. Innovative Payment Services - Prepaid shopping for teenagers and smartphone payment services provide new ways to shop and pay for goods and services.
Industry Implications
1. Retail - Smart hangers, real-time shopping logs, and social media shopping provide innovative ways to improve customer experience and enhance convenience.
2. Advertising - Color-sensitive billboards and eye-tracking services use advanced technology to personalize ads and optimize advertising placement.
3. Payment Solutions - Cardless swipe technology and prepaid shopping services offer new and convenient ways to pay for goods and services.
10 Featured, 85 Examples:
998,149 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Mar 10 — Aug 10

Featured Examples

Social Media Shopping
Social Media Shopping
Facebook and Amazon Team Up for an Easy Shopping Experience
You can now take your shopping experience to the next level as Facebook and Amazon team up to provide purchase recommendations for users of the social network. Using Facebook Connect, users can now opt… MORE
Digital Stylist Programs
Digital Stylist Programs
The TeamLab 'Coordination' Project Puts Smart Hangers into Stores
Sometimes walking into a store or glancing into your closet can be quite overwhelming because you simply don't know what to put together, but with the help of the TeamLab 'Coordination' project, those… MORE
Smarty Pants Vending Tech
Smarty Pants Vending Tech
The Intelligent Vending Machine Puts Knowledge to Good Use
The JR EAST railway company of Japan has placed an intelligent vending machine in one of its Tokyo stations that detects a customer’s sex and age. With that information the machine recommends drinks… MORE
play_circle_filledPeople Watching Billboards
People Watching Billboards
Signs Scan Faces to Target Ads to Audience
A billboard that can identify the age and gender of passers-by, then offer custom advertising according to their demographic, is already up and running in Japan. NEC Japan has been testing the digital… MORE
play_circle_filledColor-Changing Ads
Color-Changing Ads
The IBM Smarter Planet Campaign Presents Color-Sensitive Billboards
The Color-Sensitive Billboard from the IBM Smarter Planet Campaign is one of the most recent examples to expand their network of revolutionary machinery and consumer-personalized experiences. The company’s… MORE
Swipe 'N' Pay Technology
Swipe 'N' Pay Technology
With Cardless Swipe You Use Your Smartphone Instead of Credit Cards
Wireless companies Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile are partnering with the makers of Discover Card and Barclay's PLC, a global retail banking company, to test a new cardless swipe technology, allowing consumers… MORE
Affordable Eye Motion Startups
Affordable Eye Motion Startups
The GazeHawk Eye-Tracking Service Helps Businesses Profit
The GazeHawk eye-tracking service was created to help companies see which areas of their sites were getting the most attention. Finding a number of participants to view the website, the GazeHawk eye-tracking… MORE
Prepaid Teenage Purchases
Prepaid Teenage Purchases
The ‘Bill My Parents' Website Requires Mom's Approval
The ‘Bill My Parents’ website takes online shopping to a younger age group. For those who love browsing through online stores but are too young for a credit card, this site may be the answer to all your… MORE
Real-Time Shopping Logs
Real-Time Shopping Logs
Swipely is the Ultimate Capitalist Social Network
Swipely is a social network, much like Twitter, that records your purchases at every boutique, restaurant, cafe, bookstore and more. On their website, Swipely states that the platform aims to "turn purchases… MORE
play_circle_filledDigital Service Ranking Boards
Digital Service Ranking Boards
The Nothing 'One-2-Ten' System Gets Feedback From Customers
With the increased emphasis on customer service within today's consumer market, the Nothing 'One-2-Ten' system is definitely a convenient piece of machinery to have. Using a color-coded touchpad, customers… MORE

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play_circle_filledSocial Media Magazines
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The Standard Hotel Creates Suit Dispensing Devices
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play_circle_filledPatriotic Shopping Promos
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(worth $1,500)