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Disguising as Danger

Novelty products give consumers a sense of control over their safety

Implications - Although weapons have become increasingly unacceptable in mainstream society, more and more undercover gizmos doubling as harm-inflicting weaponry are appearing in the marketplace. Due in part to consumers’ yearning for control over their personal safety, these dangerous toys and tricks in disguise also make light of the more serious issue of societal violence.
Trend Themes
1. Weapons in Disguise - Consumers are interested in unconventional self-defense options that make light of issues surrounding societal violence.
2. Convertible Furniture - Convertible furniture that doubles as weaponry offers consumers greater control over personal safety.
3. Miniature Destructive Devices - Small-scale weapons that are functional and destructive appeal to consumers.
Industry Implications
1. Self-defense - Manufacturers can develop products that offer unconventional and unique self-defense options.
2. Furniture - Furniture companies can explore new designs that incorporate self-defense mechanisms to provide security to consumers.
3. Toy - Toy manufacturers can create toys that are educational, multifunctional, and have self-defense applications.
6 Featured, 52 Examples:
1,117,660 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Mar 10 — Aug 10
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

Table Weapons
Table Weapons
Keep Zombies & Burglars at Bay With the 'For Zombies' Table
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Nutty Pendant Knives
Nutty Pendant Knives
The Golden Peanut Pocket Knife Necklace is Dangerously Cute
With the Golden Peanut Pocket Knife Necklace, there is now a way to look chic while protecting yourself. With the facade of a small golden peanut, this intricate accessory is actually a weapon in disguise.… MORE
Dangerous Pens
Dangerous Pens
The Uzi Tactical Pen is Protection, James Bond-Style
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Tiny Destructive Weapons
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The Mini Canon Packs Quite the Punch
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Office Supply Weapons
Office Supply Weapons
The Rubber Bandit Pen Will Earn You R-E-S-P-E-C-T
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play_circle_filledBuilding Block Weaponry
Building Block Weaponry
The LEGO Collection by Futura Displays Some Destructive Delights
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