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Masculinity Redefined

Fatherly photography suggests a shift toward more familial roles for men

Implications - With women becoming more independent and career-focused due to more open and encouraging educational opportunities, men have subsequently faced a shift in gender roles, integrating themselves into more familial responsibilities that were once dominated by the opposite gender. Reflecting a shift in gender expectations, fatherly photography showcases a turn toward more domestic roles for men, echoing a transformation of traditional familial frameworks.
Trend Themes
1. Redefinition of Masculinity - As women become more independent and career-focused, men are integrating themselves into more familial responsibilities, redefining traditional familial frameworks.
2. Sentimental Father-daughter Portraits - Photographers are capturing adorable, heartfelt moments between fathers and daughters, showcasing the importance of family bonds.
3. Daily Hot Dad Photoblogs - Blogs and social media accounts are dedicated to sharing attractive and involved dads with the goal of stimulating the hormonal spike of baby-crazy women.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - Photographers can capture new and sentimental moments within families, showcasing their importance and providing new forms of memories.
2. Advertising - Brands can integrate representations of involved fathers in their ad campaigns, catering to the growing trend of more familial masculine roles.
3. Marketing - Marketing professionals can utilize the popularity of father-daughter portraits to connect with consumers on a more personal and sentimental level.
8 Featured, 71 Examples:
1,015,506 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Jan 12 — Mar 14
Consumer Insight Topics:

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