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Encouraging Play

Playful workplace interiors inspire action through visual enticements

Implications - Finding the right motivation to encourage employees to work diligently and to the best of their ability can be challenging since digital distractions and leisurely activities are almost always considered more alluring. In an effort to make work more enticing, companies are turning to playful office interiors to create a more interactive work space. Playful office interiors bring elements of fun into a traditionally business-oriented space, allowing workers to feel more comfortable and subsequently more willing to work.
Trend Themes
1. Playful Office Interiors - Companies are turning to playful office interiors to create a more interactive works pace, allowing workers to feel more comfortable and subsequent willing to work.
2. Whimsical Design - Designs that incorporate whimsical and playful elements in the workplace has a positive impact on employees, encouraging creativity, collaboration and healthier work-life balance.
3. Greenery in the Workplace - Office spaces that incorporate greenery and natural elements, create a healthier and more engaging environment for employees, improving overall mental health and productivity.
Industry Implications
1. Office, Design - The field of office design can incorporate design techniques that encourage playful interiors, incorporating whimsical elements and greenery to liven up office space.
2. Fitness, Architecture - The trend of creating playful workout spaces that draw inspiration from unexpected sources, such as sugar refiners, could be of interest to architects and designers in the fitness industry.
3. Education, Architecture - The Svet Vmes Architects Firm's design of a student lounge space can be an inspiration to the education industry when designing playful and comfortable learning spaces.
4 Featured, 35 Examples:
547,293 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Jan 14 — Dec 15
Consumer Insight Topics:

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