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Pragmatic Prevention

Ads turn to realistic obesity imagery to incite consumer action

Implications - Despite the onslaught of PSAs that seek to encourage healthier lifestyles, the accessibility of fast food has resulted in consumers frequently disregarding the need for nourishment. As a method to incite greater urgency into consumer behavior, marketers are turning to methods of foreshadowing to demonstrate what lack of action can result in. The use of grim precautionary imagery reflects the need for marketing approaches that dive deeper into consumers’ psychologically inherent fears.
Trend Themes
1. Preventative Imagery - Marketers are utilizing cautionary and realistic imagery to prompt consumers to take preventative measures when it comes to health concerns.
2. Realism in Advertising - Marketing campaigns that focus on authenticity and realism are proving successful in garnering attention and driving action.
3. Mental Health Awareness - Advertising campaigns that focus on emotional eating and the mental health aspects of weight management are becoming more prevalent.
Industry Implications
1. Health & Wellness - Opportunities for disruptive innovation exist in the development of lifestyle management tools and services, as well as the marketing of healthy food alternatives and preventative care.
2. Marketing & Advertising - Businesses can look to explore creative avenues to produce more realistic and psychologically impactful advertising campaigns.
3. Mental Health Services - Opportunities exist for the development and marketing of mental health resources geared towards managing and promoting a healthy relationship with food and overall wellness.
4 Featured, 34 Examples:
532,328 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Mar 14 — Sep 15
Consumer Insight Topics:

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