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Comical Stuntvertising

Brands turn to humorous publicity stunts to socially engage consumers

Implications - Looking to attract consumers through more interactive marketing tactics, brands are turning to humorous pranks to encourage more of an immediate response from individuals. Marketing stunts that utilize eccentric and over-the-top antics add a playfully engaging aspect to the overall campaign, creating an approachable link between the consumer and brand.
Trend Themes
1. Humorous Prankvertising - Brands are using humorous pranks to create an approachable link between the consumer and brand.
2. Interactive Publicity - Interactive publicity campaigns, such as those using posters or green screens, are attracting viewers in curiosity and creating a lasting impression.
3. Mimicking a Product Benefit - Prankvertising campaigns using more clever ways to associate product benefits, such as safety or strength of glue, with a fun or playful campaign message.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - The advertising industry can draw inspiration from these campaigns to create interactive and playful campaigns that create brand awareness and consumer engagement.
2. Consumer Products - Consumer products industry professionals can take advantage of humorous pranks and interactive campaigns to advertise their products and associate product benefits with clever, engaging messages.
3. Entertainment - Entertainment industry professionals can draw inspiration from interactive green screen campaigns to promote upcoming movies or TV shows.
6 Featured, 50 Examples:
280,838 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Jul 13 — Mar 14
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

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