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Inked Entree

Squid ink goes mainstream as consumers are enticed by its healthful benefits

Implications - Having slowly worked its way into grocery store products and North American menu items in the last decade, squid ink-infused foods offer consumers a dramatic dining experience that also boasts unique health benefits. This shift speaks to the new customer expectations of food presentation in the social media era, as well as the interest in adding nutritional value to traditional dishes whenever possible.
Workshop Question - How can you play up the aesthetic experience of your product for visually driven customers?
Trend Themes
1. Squid Ink Infused Foods - Squid ink-infused foods offer unique health benefits and create a dramatic dining experience that meets new customer expectations of food presentation in the social media era.
2. Gourmet Cannabis-infused Edibles - Cannabis-infused dinner parties demonstrate how the edibles market is expanding beyond simple baked goods to include gourmet dishes.
3. Investment Dining Experiences - Pop-up investment eateries like Investec's Click and Investaurant create innovative dining concepts for people to explore their appetite for risk while tasting some delicious dishes.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage Industry - The food and beverage industry can use these trends to create new dining experiences and innovative menus for customers.
2. Cannabis Industry - The cannabis industry can benefit from expanding beyond simple baked goods to include gourmet cannabis-infused edibles that cater to sophisticated consumers.
3. Investment Industry - The investment industry can benefit from creative and non-traditional approaches to educate people about their appetite for risk and investments.
4 Featured, 36 Examples:
82,744 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Jan 17 — Jul 17
Consumer Insight Topics:

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