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Cannabis Community

Consumers form meaningful connections around local cannabis culture

Implications - Given the nature of consumers in congregating around local brands, many cannabis-focused businesses are becoming community centers as customers naturally form around emerging institutions. This shift speaks to the desire for experiences that lend themselves to the cultivation of offline connections in order to offset the effects of the majority of individuals spending so much time online, as well as specifically highlighting the implications of something like cannabis legislation in disrupting behavioral norms.
Workshop Question - How can you support the organic interaction between your customers and their peers?
Trend Themes
1. Formation of Cannabis Communities - As emerging institutions are forming around local brands and businesses, there are opportunities to create platforms to engage and connect cannabis consumers online and offline.
2. Innovative Cannabis Products for Women - Revolutionizing cannabis for health through innovative cannabis-infused beauty and wellness products can open new market segments for the cannabis industry.
3. Cannabis-inspired Creative Community Spaces - Creating designated community spaces and activities where cannabis enthusiasts can gather around the plant and byproduct can provide meaningful experiences as well as educational opportunities for the cannabis industry.
Industry Implications
1. Wellness & Beauty - By promoting the medicinal and health benefits provided by cannabis, there is a huge opportunity for businesses in the wellness and beauty industry to create and promote cannabis-infused products.
2. Hospitality & Events - Businesses in hospitality and event sectors can capitalize on the popularity of cannabis culture by offering creative, themed and innovatively-designed cannabis venues and events, encouraging social interactions among cannabis users and enthusiasts.
3. Retail & Design - New cannabis dispensaries are breaking through the stereotypical stereotypes of clinical-feeling stores and instead creating inviting and comfortable spaces to shop for and experience cannabis products.
6 Featured, 29 Examples:
94,843 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Jan 17 — Jul 17
Consumer Insight Topics:

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