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STEM Education

Brands create events for STEM novices to learn and play

Implications - Though STEM toys are increasing in popularity, the act of learning something new, even during playtime, can be intimidating. Brands are alleviating the intimidation factor by creating safe spaces and events for STEM novices to experiment and learn as a community. This adds an element of companionship to a notoriously technical topic.
Workshop Question - How can your brand create a space for learning and sharing within your industry?
Trend Themes
1. STEM Education Events - Creating safe spaces and events for STEM novices to experiment and learn as a community
2. Female-focused Tech Competitions - Providing a platform for tech-savvy girls to share their ideas and kickstart their careers
3. Biolab Equipment Kits - Getting involved in the process of genetic engineering without having to source everything individually
Industry Implications
1. Education - Creating innovative education platforms, programs, and initiatives, such as STEM education events, children architect's program and high school eSports leagues
2. Science and Technology - Offering a range of educational toys, biolab equipment kits, and inspirational science events
3. Career Development - Stimulating career interests and development by offering high school eSports leagues and female-focused tech competitions.
5 Featured, 44 Examples:
112,803 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Sep 16 — Apr 18
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