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Immersive Branding

Fully engrossing consumers in surrounded campaigns

Implications - A brand can captivate an audience through strong visuals, resonating messages and engaging interaction, but they can go above and beyond that with full immersion, creating a total brand experience in which the customer is surrounded and completely immersed in a brand. Coca-Cola and Cadbury are two brands that are trying out this new form of infectious messaging, in which campaigns include larger-than-life productions, fantasy lands, bus rides, parties and more.
Trend Themes
1. Brand Immersion - Brands are creating fully-immersive experiences for customers, allowing them to be completely surrounded by the brand.
2. Social Partying - Brands are partnering with House Party to host sponsored social events where consumers can get free products to try, while providing a more authentic and intimate setting than traditional advertising channels.
3. Augmented Reality - Brands are using augmented reality mirrors and digital projections to create immersive experiences for customers.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - Brands can take advantage of immersive branding and augmented reality to create unique advertising campaigns.
2. Hospitality - The concept of turning apartments into billboard ads or providing unique internships provides hotels with new ways to attract customers with immersive and unique offerings.
3. Consumer Products - Consumer brands can partner with House Party or create their own branded social events to provide consumers with exclusive access to products and build a more loyal customer base.
7 Featured, 60 Examples:
540,363 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Jan 12 — Feb 12

Featured Examples

play_circle_filledImmersive Brand Projections
Immersive Brand Projections
Antilop Creates Coca-Cola Future Room for Santralistanbul
In celebration of Coca-Cola's 125th anniversary, Istanbul-based creative agency Antilop has created the Coca-Cola Future Room, an immersive digital experience and installation at Santralistanbul, a modern… MORE
Fantastical Doll Wardrobes
Fantastical Doll Wardrobes
The 'See What Happens When You Play With Barbie' Campaign
To celebrate Barbie has a style icon, Mattel is launching an interactive campaign called 'See What Happens When You Play With Barbie.' The initiative is all about the world of Barbie -- more specifically,… MORE
play_circle_filledChic Advertising Apartments
Chic Advertising Apartments
The Billboard House from Apostrophy's is Large and Livable
Advertisers and apartment seekers alike are going to love the Billboard House. The Billboard House was designed by Apostrophy's as a livable piece of marketing. The adverhouse stands three stories high… MORE
play_circle_filledImaginary Chocolate Lands
Imaginary Chocolate Lands
Cadbury's Joyville Promotes the New Dairy Milk Bubbly
To promote its latest product, Dairy Milk Bubbly, Kraft Foods-owned Cadbury has created a fun and exciting campaign that includes an imaginary chocolate land called Joyville, where all of Cadbury's Dairy… MORE
Creative Incentivized Internships
Creative Incentivized Internships
Trainees Must Earn Their Way Up the Mortierbrigade Hotel
While there are many ways to recruit talented people, advertising agency Mortierbrigade has devised one of the most creative ways to do so by turning the house next to its agency into the Mortierbrigade… MORE
Branded Bus Rides
Branded Bus Rides
The Topshop Tour Bus Promotes Opening of Melbourne Store
To hype up the opening of its new store in Melbourne, Australia, Topshop has launched a branded Topshop tour bus to take shoppers on free rides around the city and to its store on Chapel Street, South… MORE
Sponsored Social Soirees
Sponsored Social Soirees
Brands Can Use 'House Party' to Market Products Directly to Customers
For many brands, getting a product to a targeted customer group can be extremely difficult, but House Party is here to help. House Party is an organization that helps brands promote their products through,… MORE

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