Fully engrossing consumers in surrounded campaigns
Implications - A brand can captivate an audience through strong visuals, resonating messages and engaging interaction, but they can go above and beyond that with full immersion, creating a total brand experience in which the customer is surrounded and completely immersed in a brand. Coca-Cola and Cadbury are two brands that are trying out this new form of infectious messaging, in which campaigns include larger-than-life productions, fantasy lands, bus rides, parties and more.
Trend Themes
1. Brand Immersion - Brands are creating fully-immersive experiences for customers, allowing them to be completely surrounded by the brand.
2. Social Partying - Brands are partnering with House Party to host sponsored social events where consumers can get free products to try, while providing a more authentic and intimate setting than traditional advertising channels.
3. Augmented Reality - Brands are using augmented reality mirrors and digital projections to create immersive experiences for customers.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - Brands can take advantage of immersive branding and augmented reality to create unique advertising campaigns.
2. Hospitality - The concept of turning apartments into billboard ads or providing unique internships provides hotels with new ways to attract customers with immersive and unique offerings.
3. Consumer Products - Consumer brands can partner with House Party or create their own branded social events to provide consumers with exclusive access to products and build a more loyal customer base.