Innovations that let green-minded consumers measure their ecological footprints
Implications - A new range of devices is helping eco-conscious consumers track their ecological footprints, allowing them to monitor their own day-to-day eco activities and take action to augment them further. Although more and more consumers are concerned about the environment, many remain unsure of what steps to take (above basic recycling and buying greener products) and the specific actions that will impact the environmental cause. These tools act as a guide and information source for today's green consumer, and as the eco movement grows, so too will the need for such innovations.
Trend Themes
1. Eco Tracking Devices - Innovative eco-friendly tracking devices that monitor ecological footprints are increasing, providing green-minded consumers with the information necessary to make more informed choices
2. Competitive Energy Conservation Apps - Smartphone apps introduced to inspire more people to adopt eco-loving habits by pitting themselves against friends and taking part in weekly contests
3. Sustainability Management Programs - Enterprise-grade software emerging that measures carbon footprints of employees or individual machines and offers incentives or rewards for targets achieved
Industry Implications
1. Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility - Industries will need to rethink their operations and develop innovative solutions to manage carbon footprint and engage employees in sustainability management programs
2. Mobile App Development - Innovative app developers will be able to make strides in reducing carbon emissions by designing mobile apps that challenge people to practice more eco-friendly habits
3. Eco-tracking and Carbon Management - Industries and companies are creating ways to monitor workers’ eco-friendly habits, visualizing real-time data for sustainability and maximizing profits in energy conservation