Consumers search for themed dining experience to satiate a need for adventure
Implications - Experiential dining is on the rise as consumers' appetite for adventure increases. Restaurants, bars and cafes that cater to this thrill-seeking behavior are turning to immersive spaces to really drive the theme home, suggesting that consumers are responding to more extreme forms of design and decor.
Workshop Question - In what ways can you nichefy your offerings to have greater appeal to your specific target demographic?
Trend Themes
1. Experiential Dining - As consumers' appetite for adventure increases, restaurants are turning to immersive spaces to really drive the theme home.
2. Sustainable Design - Sustainable, eco-friendly decor is becoming a key feature for restaurants and bars.
3. Multisensory Dining Experiences - Restaurants are incorporating innovative auditory and visually augmentative techniques to elevate the dining experience.
Industry Implications
1. Hospitality Industry - Hotels, bars and restaurants utilize immersive design to offer unforgettable guest experiences.
2. Event Planning Industry - The rising demand for themed dining experiences presents opportunities for event planning companies to deliver unique culinary experiences.
3. Architecture & Design Industry - Restaurants are collaborating with architects and designers to create awe-inspiring spaces that take experiential dining to the next level.
5 Featured, 39 Examples:
615,803 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Apr 14 — May 15
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