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Design Consumer Insights

Minimalist Health
Health and wellness brands rebrand to minimalist designs and easy-to-read labels
Trend - Health and wellness brands are rebranding with minimalist designs and simple, easy-to-read labels. This trend reflects a commitment to transparency and authenticity, aiming to create a clean, modern, and approachable aesthetic for consumers.

Insight - Older consumers often seek products with labels that convey simplicity, authenticity, and transparency, While health-conscious individuals appreciate straightforward information for informed choices. The demand for natural and clean products influences this shift. Minimalist designs reflect purity and integrity, addressing the desires of a fast-paced society for clarity. By adopting these designs, brands enhance their image, cater to modern consumer values, and stand out in a competitive market.
Workshop Question - How can we incorporate minimalist design principles to enhance transparency and authenticity in our brand's communication strategy?
Desk Computer
Desks with internal compartments to house custom computers are gaining popularity
Trend - Gaming furniture brands are releasing desks with built-in custom computer cases. These compartments reduce cable clutter, improve aesthetics, and further protect the computer from external damage, as they cannot be knocked over or dented.

Insight - While building a custom computer was a hobby previously attributed to the gaming community, it has now become the norm for many more types of consumers, such as content creators, celebrities, professional editors, and more. With such a large market of consumers into DIY computers, brands are looking to innovate products to stand out from competitors. One such innovation targets the traditional custom computer case, instead merging both the case and desk in one with unique designs.
Workshop Question - How can we integrate multifunctional features into our products to enhance user experience and stand out in a competitive market?
Multi-Material Printer
3D printer brands are releasing models capable of using several materials
Trend - 3D printing brands are creating more unique 3D printers that either use a tool-switcher, or several concurrent tools, to print single projects that utilize more than one material. These multi-material printers are designed for more advanced printing jobs for personal or professional use.

Insight - 3D printing is one such field that has grown far larger than just being a hobby for most. Many consumers create businesses, or streamline their startups, by using 3D printers to save drastically on production costs. However, for more complex products, 3D printing was not always viable, leading to these businesses needing to source product components from traditional manufacturing facilities. However, 3D printing brands are now catering to these needs with multi-material and multi-tool printers.
Workshop Question - How could your brand streamline one or more aspects of its operations by utilizing advanced 3D printers?
Automotive Decor
Furniture collections are launching with designs inspired by luxury automotives
Trend - Designer furniture brands, sometimes in collaboration with automotive brands, are launching furniture collections inspired by popular luxury vehicles. These furniture collections are designed to blend the quality of luxury furniture with the familiarity of vehicle design notes for car fans.

Insight - When higher-income consumers consider interior design products, they consider various factors, including quality, brand recognition, status symbolism, personal connection, and aesthetics. While there are near-limitless options for interior design, there is a distinct lack of high-end branded pieces inspired by hobbies or adjacent industries. For consumers with an interest in luxury cars, furniture brands are now enabling these consumers to further express themselves with co-branded collections.
Workshop Question - How can we incorporate elements from consumer hobbies or lifestyles to set our products aside from competitors and resonate emotionally with consumers?
Modular PSU
Power supply brands are using modular designs for convenience and aesthetics
Trend - Computer hardware brands are releasing power supplies with modular designs that enable users to use only the necessary connectors. This saves space and improves aesthetics in custom builds by reducing clutter. Previously exclusive to higher-end PSUs, even budget devices are adopting modularity.

Insight - Consumer technology enthusiasts frequently build their own custom devices, whether as a hobby or as a cost-saving measure compared to buying prebuilt units. When building their own devices, consumers on a budget often prioritize high-performance components, while on the higher-end of the cost spectrum, aesthetics also become an important factor. Hardware brands are trying to appeal to both consumer segments by launching affordable devices with aesthetic benefits.
Workshop Question - How can your brand incorporate modularity into its products to enhance both functionality and aesthetics for a broader range of consumers?
Compact Range
Kitchen brands are adapting range hoods to be portable and compact
Trend - Kitchen appliance brands are releasing compact range hoods designed to sit on a countertop. These hoods are not permanent fixtures, as per the norm, and are instead portable, meaning they can be stored away when not in use. These hoods are designed for homes that are more strict on space.

Insight - As the cost of living continues to rise to crisis levels, consumers are tasked with saving money wherever possible. For homeowners, this often means investing in smaller, more affordable alternatives to full-size appliances or tools. Simple everyday devices, such as ovens or refrigerators, can be expensive and cumbersome to fit in more modest homes. As a result of this, brands in the kitchen appliance space are releasing lower-cost, more portable solutions.
Workshop Question - How could your brand ensure it's products or services are not overly expensive or difficult to use?
Bamboo Bike
Brands are crafting electric bicycles with bamboo frames to further sustainability
Trend - Electric bicycle manufacturers are using bamboo in place of aluminum for frames to improve sustainability. Bamboo is lightweight and malleable for bike frames, while also being biodegradable. By using bamboo, brands are aiming to reduce their carbon footprints and appeal to eco-conscious consumers.

Insight - Each year, more consumers turn to electric micro-mobility solutions rather than gas-powered vehicles. This is often due to rising costs of gas, dense traffic, and environmental concerns. This has led to an increased amount of micromobility repair stores, as well as increased development of public charging infrastructure to mitigate battery constraints. In recognition of this environmental trend, bike brands are furthering their sustainability by turning to materials such as wood and bamboo.
Workshop Question - How could your brand further reduce its carbon footprint by incorporating renewable energy or sustainable materials in its operations?
Branded Third Space
Brands launch third spaces that allow neighbors to connect with each other
Trend - Brands are creating "third places," a concept championed by sociologist Ray Oldenburg, to offer social spaces distinct from home and work. These welcoming environments foster regular connections among people through shared interests or activities, responding to the consumer's quest for community and spontaneity.

Insight - The remote work boom and social shifts are fueling a consumer desire for "third places" – hubs beyond work and home for connection. Craving escape from car-dependent suburbs and planned social activities, consumers seek spaces for spontaneous interaction and emotional support. Brands that successfully tap into this trend do so by crafting casual, community-focused havens. These spaces cultivate a sense of belonging and unity, drawing people together over shared experiences and interests, thereby winning the hearts and loyalty of consumers.
Workshop Question - How can your brand create a third space that fosters community connections and provides a sense of belonging for consumers in today's increasingly isolated society?
Rollable Phone
Smartphones are being made with rollable OLED screens for productivity
Trend - Smartphone manufacturers are creating luxury phones with displays that expand horizontally by rolling. These displays function similarly to folding phones but do not leave any visible crease or visible bezel. The larger expandable screen is designed to improve both productivity and entertainment.

Insight - While smartphones have had the same design for over a decade, the recent popularity of foldable phones has led to an increase in experimentation. Consumers interested in future-facing technologies are curious about major innovations in consumer electronics, particularly smartphones, given their necessity in modern life, and are willing to pay more for unique products, especially those with added practical value. As a result, brands are improving on long-stagnated designs to offer new features.
Workshop Question - How could your brand leverage newer technologies to improve the productivity of its products or services for modern consumers?
Absorbent Package
Businesses are using moisture-reducing packaging without desiccant packets
Trend - Businesses are using custom packaging that reduces moisture levels with custom materials that do not require desiccant packets. These packaging materials are more sustainable and cost-effective than traditional plastic packages while having active moisture-reducing qualities that protect contents.

Insight - Brands that sell moisture-sensitive products, such as textiles, F&B, or electronics, are tasked with ensuring their products are sufficiently protected while maintaining low packaging costs and adhering to sustainability goals. These complex desires are leading to material science companies creating new solutions that aim to replace traditional packaging methods. Brands that partner with these material manufacturers can differentiate themselves from competitors and more quickly achieve goals.
Workshop Question - How could your brand improve its operations' sustainability by focusing on packaging innovations?