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90 Examples of Specialized Sweet Foods

From Diary-Free Frozen Treats to Vegan Frosted Doughnuts

— April 17, 2015 — Lifestyle
Fad diets are at an all-time high as consumers become increasingly interested in leading healthier lifestyles; this collection of specialized sweet foods shows that with this consciousness is a desire to eat well in more than one way. Combining health and taste into fun dessert options, these specialized sweet foods address various restrictions and food choices while expressing the desire to continue to enjoy small pleasures in life.

Companies are following the suit of independent bakers and bloggers by creating delectable desserts that target specific people and their particular needs. These examples of specialized sweet foods include everything from vegan options to gluten-free recipes and even desserts that appeal to health nuts in general through the incorporation of superfoods.
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Allergy-Friendly Baking Mixes
Allergy-Friendly Baking Mixes
The Muff'n Stuff Baking Mixes are Made Without Common Food Allergens
Nutritious Dessert Spheres
Nutritious Dessert Spheres
Wholesome Nibbles Come in an Array of Dynamic Flavors
Cashew Milk Dessert Bars
Cashew Milk Dessert Bars
So Delicious' Newest Dairy-Free Frozen Treats are Chocolate-dipped
Plant-Based Sweeteners
Plant-Based Sweeteners
Biona Organic Coconut Nectar is Suitable for Vegans and is Low in Calories
Fruity Superfood Desserts
Fruity Superfood Desserts
This Apple Quinoa Cake is Tasty, Spicy and Enriched with Protein
Dairy-Free Cheesecakes
Dairy-Free Cheesecakes
Daiya's Cheezecakes Offer Indulgence with a Mock Cheese Texture
Grain-Free Gourd Desserts
Grain-Free Gourd Desserts
Free People's Dairy-Free Pumpkin Pie Results in a Guiltless Thanksgiving
Health-Focused Easter Eggs
Health-Focused Easter Eggs
Dr. Coy's Healthy Chocolate Eggs Feature Low GI "Tooth-Friendly Sugars"
Autumnal Mini Tarts
Autumnal Mini Tarts
This Grain-Free Dessert Contains Cashew Creme & Cranberry-Orange Spice Topping
Bake-Free Bites
Bake-Free Bites
The Food52 5-Ingredient Chocolate Bon Bons Are Hassle-free
Fall Vegan Fruit Desserts
Fall Vegan Fruit Desserts
This Vegan Thanksgiving Dessert is Simple, Healthy & Refreshing
Gluten-Free Coffee Cakes
Gluten-Free Coffee Cakes
This Tasty Almond Tea Cake Recipe Incorporates Matcha Green Tea
Guilt-Free Carrot Cakes
Guilt-Free Carrot Cakes
This Vegan Carrot Cake Recipe is Topped with Coconut and Dark Chocolate
Vegan Custard Puddings
Vegan Custard Puddings
Vegan Pudding & Co. Offers Healthy Alternatives to Classic Desserts
Gluten-Free Rice Nectars
Gluten-Free Rice Nectars
Suzanne’s Specialties' Rice Nectar is an All-Natural Sweetener
Natural Nutty Desserts
Natural Nutty Desserts
These Vegan Truffles Make a Delicious Homemade Valentine's Day Gift
Bite-Sized Vegan Desserts
Bite-Sized Vegan Desserts
These Sweet Knots Put a Vegan Twist on Traditional Cinnamon Buns
Sugar-Free Cinnamon Donuts
Sugar-Free Cinnamon Donuts
This Donut Recipe is a Low Carb Option That Satisfies Cravings
Delectable Dietary Cupcakes
Delectable Dietary Cupcakes
This Cupcake Recipe Makes Perfect Gluten-Free Cupcakes
Vegan Cookie Dough Concoctions
Vegan Cookie Dough Concoctions
Erica's Sweet Tooth Bakes up These Delicious Treats
Grain-Free Crunchy Cookies
Grain-Free Crunchy Cookies
The Gluten-Free Biscotti is Ideal for the Holidays and Restricted Diets
Botanical Vegan Desserts
Botanical Vegan Desserts
Das Eis' 'LOVE' Vegan Ice Cream Dessert is Made with Rose Blossom
Vegan Chocolate Chip Recipes
Vegan Chocolate Chip Recipes
These Chocolate Chips are Free of Sugar and Dairy
Homemade Vegan Ice Cream
Homemade Vegan Ice Cream
This Frozen Chocolate Treat is Extremely Easy to Make
Gluten-Free Skillet Treats
Gluten-Free Skillet Treats
This Grain-Free Banana Bread is a Healthier Alternative to Baked Goods
Vegan-Friendly Cookie Dough
Vegan-Friendly Cookie Dough
Cappello's Ready-to-Bake Cookie Dough is Free from Dairy and Gluten
Chocolate Spread Cookies
Chocolate Spread Cookies
These Three Ingredient Cookies are Made With Creamy Chocolate Nutella
Grain-Free Cookie Recipes
Grain-Free Cookie Recipes
The Gluten-Free and Vegan Oatmeal Cookies are Perfect This Time of Year
Raw Christmas Cakes
Raw Christmas Cakes
These Frozen Dessert Pots are Perfect for the Holiday Season
Dairy-Free Chocolate Bars
Dairy-Free Chocolate Bars
These Vegan Chocolates Play Up Flavor Without Dairy Ingredients
Nutritionally Complete Cookies
Nutritionally Complete Cookies
Lenny & Larry's Cookies Nourish Without Eggs, Dairy or Soy
Vegan Frosted Doughnuts
Vegan Frosted Doughnuts
Fall for DIY's Vegan Dessert Recipe Will Satisfy One's Sweet Tooth
Mug-Sized Pumpkin Desserts
Mug-Sized Pumpkin Desserts
This Vegan Pumpkin Pie Recipe Comes in a Craving-Killing Serving Size
Piquant Brownie Desserts
Piquant Brownie Desserts
These Spicy Sweet Gluten-Free Brownies are Made with Chile Powder
Fruit-Based Dessert Bars
Fruit-Based Dessert Bars
NANABAR Serves Only Vegan "Banana Nice Cream" Desserts
Guilt-Free Vegan Gelatos
Guilt-Free Vegan Gelatos
The BiotaGelata is Gluten-Free Frozen Dessert Made from Fermented Beans
Gooey Gluten-Free Cakes
Gooey Gluten-Free Cakes
This Chocolatey Pumpkin Vegan Dessert is Perfect for Thanksgiving
Mood-Enhancing Peanut Butter Bites
Mood-Enhancing Peanut Butter Bites
This Healthy No-Bake Dessert Increases Energy and Tastes Great
Dairy-Free Frozen Treats
Dairy-Free Frozen Treats
This Birthday Cake Ice Cream Features No Dairy or Gluten
Free-From Cake Mixes
Free-From Cake Mixes
Free & Easy's Healthy Cake Mixes Exclude Gluten, Refined Sugar and Dairy
Roasted Ice Cream Cookies
Roasted Ice Cream Cookies
Erica's Sweet Tooth Bakes up Banana Ice Cream Recipes
Decadent Oat Clusters
Decadent Oat Clusters
This Pure Organic Snack Turns Chocolate, Caramel & Honey into Healthy Treats
Ginger Miso Ice Cream
Ginger Miso Ice Cream
Sam of Drizzle & Dip Creates an Asian-Inspired Vegan Dessert
Cheesecake Energy Balls
Cheesecake Energy Balls
The Strawberry Energy Bites Recipe is Healthy But with Dessert Inspiration
Homemade Aphrodisiac Chocolates
Homemade Aphrodisiac Chocolates
This Bark Recipe Infuses Moon Juice's Innovative Formula
Vegan Chocolate-Covered Chips
Vegan Chocolate-Covered Chips
These Salty and Sweet Chips Satisfy in a Health Way
Raw Carrot Cakes
Raw Carrot Cakes
Kris Carr's Raw Vegan Carrot Cake is Healthy and Indulgent
Gluten-Free Frozen Treats
Gluten-Free Frozen Treats
Chocolate Avocado Ice Cream Boasts a Strange But Delicious Ingredient
All-Vegan Meringue Shops
All-Vegan Meringue Shops
The 'Meringueshop' Sells Meringues Made with Aquafaba Instead of Eggs
Specialty Chocolate Cakes
Specialty Chocolate Cakes
This Cakery Makes Decadent Vegan & Organic Chocolate Desserts
100-Calorie Dessert Pints
100-Calorie Dessert Pints
Wink Frozen Desserts' Ice Cream Pints are Diet- and Allergy-Friendly
Avocado-Based Ice Cream
Avocado-Based Ice Cream
'Cado' Makes Dairy-Free Cold-Pressed Avocado Ice Cream
Doughy Vegan Delights
Doughy Vegan Delights
Dun-Well Doughnuts is All About Being Animal-Friendly
Refreshing Watermelon Pizzas
Refreshing Watermelon Pizzas
This Unconventional Sweet Pizza Crust is Made from Watermelon Slices
Nutritious Chocolate Treats
Nutritious Chocolate Treats
Peanut and Chocolate Chex Gluten-Free Bars are Tasty and Good for You
Black Bean Baked Goods
Black Bean Baked Goods
These Healthy Brownies use a Variety of Quality Ingredients
Vegan Chocolate Delights
Vegan Chocolate Delights
Vegan Chocolate Snickers are the Perfect Tasty Snack
Frozen PB&J Sandwiches
Frozen PB&J Sandwiches
These Peanut Butter and Jelly Ice Cream Sandwiches are Decadently Nostalgic
Confectionery PMS Bites
Confectionery PMS Bites
These Healthy Brownie and Chocolate Truffle Hybrids Combat PMS Symptoms
Weight-Conscious Grapefruit Confections
Weight-Conscious Grapefruit Confections
The Baked Alaska Grapefruit is a Healthy Sweet Alternative
Vegan Yam Ice Creams
Vegan Yam Ice Creams
This DIY Frozen Dessert Boasts Purple Potato Ingredients
Indulgent Raw Vegan Desserts
Indulgent Raw Vegan Desserts
Kuala Lampur's The Honest Treat Bakery Offers Guilt-Free Treats
Towering Ice Cream Sandwiches
Towering Ice Cream Sandwiches
This Massive Ice Cream Sandwich is Amazingly Vegan-Friendly
Deceptively Fruity Fauxnuts
Deceptively Fruity Fauxnuts
These Lemon Cakes are a Healthy Donut Alternative
Homemade Autumnal Sweets
Homemade Autumnal Sweets
This Recipe For Vegan Candy Corn Lets You Enjoy the Treats Guilt-Free
Plant-Based Bakeries
Plant-Based Bakeries
'Sweets by CHLOE' is a New Vegan Offshoot from Chloe Coscarelli
Gourmet Banana Bread Donuts
Gourmet Banana Bread Donuts
These Donuts Fuse Scrumptiously Sweet Bread into a Glazed Confection
Extraordinarily Wholesome Snacks
Extraordinarily Wholesome Snacks
Nutrient Dense Foods Are Good for the Consumer and the Community
DIY Donut-Shaped Cakes
DIY Donut-Shaped Cakes
Sugar and Cloth Offers New Shapes for Dessert
Crunchy DIY Candy Bars
Crunchy DIY Candy Bars
These Scrumptious Treats Are Made Using a Few Simple Ingredients
Galactic Donut Designs
Galactic Donut Designs
Dun-Well Doughnuts' Star Wars Donut Designs Are Out of This World
Frozen Superfood Desserts
Frozen Superfood Desserts
This Healthy Superfood is Described as "Ice Cream, but Better"
Vegan Apple Cranberry Cheesecake
Vegan Apple Cranberry Cheesecake
Try This Raw Food Dessert as an Alternative to Baked Goods
Superfood Chocolate Bars
Superfood Chocolate Bars
Giddy Yoyo's Chocolates Are Made with Spirulina, Maca and Chaga
Ice Cream Cleanses
Ice Cream Cleanses
Kippy's is Introducing a Four Day Ice Cream Diet Program
Single-Serve Dessert Pots
Single-Serve Dessert Pots
Pots & Co. Packages Its Desserts in Reusable Ceramic Containers
Frozen Smoothie Desserts
Frozen Smoothie Desserts
Frill's Frozen Smoothies Are Refreshingly Simple & Healthy
Exotic Ice Cream Cakes
Exotic Ice Cream Cakes
This Dragon Fruit Cake Turns Eastern Ingredients into Western Comfort Food
Delectable Layered Dessert Cups
Delectable Layered Dessert Cups
The Chocolate and Peanut Butter Pudding Treats Are Coated
Scrumptious Cookie Pancakes
Scrumptious Cookie Pancakes
This Minimalist Baker Breakfast Meal Uses the Classic Oreo
Healthy Layered Desserts
Healthy Layered Desserts
The Joy the Baker Oatmeal Sandwich Cookies Are Dietary
Fresh Fruit Cakes
Fresh Fruit Cakes
This Cake Creatively Replaces Vanilla Sponge with Watermelon and Peaches
Healthy Superfood Yogurts
Healthy Superfood Yogurts
Chobani's Greek Yogurt and Oats Range Features a New Ancient Grain Blend
Pot-Infused Munchies
Pot-Infused Munchies
IncrediMeds Creates Yummy Delectables with a Blast of THC
Sweet-and-Savory Donuts
Sweet-and-Savory Donuts
The Avocado Donut is a Healthy Gluten Free Dessert
Divine Antioxidant Desserts
Divine Antioxidant Desserts
This Lexie's Kitchen Treat is Loaded with Pomegranates and Chocolate
Dessert Superfood Snacks
Dessert Superfood Snacks
Sneaky Protein Bars Turn Indulgent Flavors into Healthy Snacks
Dainty Lemon Treats
Dainty Lemon Treats
Confessions of a Celiac 'Almond Tea Cakes' are Gluten & Dairy-Free Delights
Garbanzo Bean Desserts
Garbanzo Bean Desserts
The Brit & Co. Chickpea Cookies are Healthy & Delicious