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Top 100 Health Trends in May

From Microfarming Juice Bars to Foot Therapy Insoles

— May 31, 2015 — Lifestyle
Health and technology may go hand-in-hand when it comes to modern society, but this collection of top May 2015 health trends sees people going back to basics. That doesn't mean there isn't a ton of devices seen within, it simply means that some of the more standout ideas involve more down-to-earth creations.

Whether that means helping to champion an appreciation for vaccines or focusing on microfarming when it comes to the juicing fad, there are many ways in which the top May 2015 health trends are showing a shift in consumers' attitude regarding the way their treat their bodies and minds. Of course, they are supplementing this with the help of technology through apps and wearable devices.
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Aquatic Activity Bracelets
Aquatic Activity Bracelets
LedSwim Uses NFC Tracking to Record Swimming Activity
CD-Shaped Diagnostic Tools
CD-Shaped Diagnostic Tools
The LabDisk Diagnostic Device Can Detect Multiple Diseases
Paleo Turkey Sliders
Paleo Turkey Sliders
Happy Chomp Creates a Healthy Diet Involving Fresh Zucchini Buns
Reusable Grill Covers
Reusable Grill Covers
This Clever COOKINA BBQ Cover Can Be Removed and Washed Inbetween Uses
Pizza Energy Shots
Pizza Energy Shots
Clif's Organic Margherita Paste is an Unexpected Energy Food
Bone-Building Drugs
Bone-Building Drugs
Reclast Helps Strengthen Older Women's Frail Hips and Spines
Bioprinted Synthetic Eyeballs
Bioprinted Synthetic Eyeballs
The EYE Concept Envisions Synthetic Eyes Replacing Existing Eyeballs
Biological Cell Printers
Biological Cell Printers
BioBots' Medical 3D Printing Machine Creates Functional Living Tissue
Protein Consumption Challenges
Protein Consumption Challenges
Beef Checkoff Challenges Consumers to Eat More Protein for 30 Days
Parkinson's-Assisting Pens
Parkinson's-Assisting Pens
The ARC Pen Vibrates To Make Writing Easier For Parkinson's Patients
Caffeinated Quinoa Breakfasts
Caffeinated Quinoa Breakfasts
This Breakfast Quinoa Replaces an Unhealthy Morning Mocha Latte
Hip-Hop Yoga Classes
Hip-Hop Yoga Classes
Y7 Studio Boasts a Soundtrack Featuring Drake, Beyonce and Jay-Z
Female Telehealth Apps
Female Telehealth Apps
The Maven App Connects Women with Specialists Through Smartphones
Seniors-Targeting Telehealth Services
Seniors-Targeting Telehealth Services
Seniors Wireless Offers Mobile & teleMED Assist For Just $1
Biodegradable Organic Sunscreens
Biodegradable Organic Sunscreens
Goddess Garden Produces a Line of All-Natural Sunscreens
Numbing Injection Devices
Numbing Injection Devices
Comfortably Numb is a 3D-Printed Device to Ease Medical Injections
Virtual Cycling Route Gadgets
Virtual Cycling Route Gadgets
Bkool Creates Animated Cycling Routes For Stationary Bikes
Contraception-Minding Apps
Contraception-Minding Apps
The Pillsy Smart Pouch and App Helps Women Manage Their Birth Control
Digital Thermometer Apps
Digital Thermometer Apps
The DetectsFever App is Compatible With iPhone Models
Tropical Iced Teas
Tropical Iced Teas
Tradewinds Jimmy Buffett’s Island Tea Features Natural Flavors & Sweeteners
All-Natural Packed Lunches
All-Natural Packed Lunches
Revolution Foods is a Line of Healthy Pre-Packaged Lunches
Nutty Protein Snacks
Nutty Protein Snacks
Peanut Butter and Chocolate Clusters by Cracker Jack'D Pack 7g of Protein
Cold-Pressed Product Expansions
Cold-Pressed Product Expansions
The Starbucks Evolution Fresh Smoothies Includes a Kale Drink
Hybrid Tea Lemonade
Hybrid Tea Lemonade
Joe's Half and Half by Red Jacket Orchard is a Refreshing Blended Beverage
Healing Artichoke Water
Healing Artichoke Water
ARTY's Healthy Water is Made from Artichokes
Protein-Rich Crisps
Protein-Rich Crisps
Simply Protein Chips Are a Low-Calorie, High-Protein Snack
Swimming Sport Watches
Swimming Sport Watches
This Sleek Performance Watch is Designed for Swimmers
Energizing Skincare Creams
Energizing Skincare Creams
Sportmetics' Face Cream Products Help to Revitalize Skin Post-Workout
In-Flight Meditation Programs
In-Flight Meditation Programs
British Airways Aims to Mindfully Improve Passenger Well-Being
Sprouted Superfood Cereals
Sprouted Superfood Cereals
Living Intentions' Healthy Breakfast Cereal Boasts 'No Weird Stuff'
All-Natural Craft Cannabis
All-Natural Craft Cannabis
The Farm Co is a Boulder Dispensary Stocking Only Pesticide-Free Pot
Bejeweled Step Counters
Bejeweled Step Counters
The Activity Tracking Crystal by Swarovski Monitors One's Health
Anti-Aging Pillows
Anti-Aging Pillows
Hammacher Schlemmer's Wrinkle Prevention Pillowcase Reduces Creases
Paper Syringe Installations
Paper Syringe Installations
Art of Saving a Life by Zim & Zou Focuses on Promises of Immunization
On-Body Medicine Injectors
On-Body Medicine Injectors
The Neulasta Delivery Kit Helps with Chemotherapy Treatment at Home
Healthy Pre-Made Meals
Healthy Pre-Made Meals
Freshology's Healthy Meal Delivery Service Provides Wellness on the Go
Mediterranean Yogurt Shops
Mediterranean Yogurt Shops
Go Greek's Beverly Hills Yogurt Store Boasts a Flavorful Interior
Small-Batch Artisan Edibles
Small-Batch Artisan Edibles
Denver's Sweet Grass Kitchen Has a Medicinal and Recreational Menu
Cystic Fibrosis Breathing Games
Cystic Fibrosis Breathing Games
The Jordi-Stick Gamifies a Nebulizer Breathing Device for Kids
Crowdsourced Well-Being Apps
Crowdsourced Well-Being Apps
The Koko App Helps Fixes 'Bugs' in the Way People Think
Celebrity Underwear Endorsements
Celebrity Underwear Endorsements
Great American Try-On by Depends Puts Products on Active Stars
Tea-Infused Cosmetics
Tea-Infused Cosmetics
David's Tea Beauty Products Are Vegan, Cruelty-Free and Organic
Beet Beverage Branding
Beet Beverage Branding
Love Beets Introduces a Redesign of their Beet Juice Containers
DIY Rosemary Detergents
DIY Rosemary Detergents
Hello Natural's DIY Laundry Detergent is a Simple Five Ingredient Recipe
Scented Vinegar Cleaners
Scented Vinegar Cleaners
The Yummy Life's All-Natural Homemade Cleaners Mask Vinegar's Harshness
Fruitful Rooftop Gardens
Fruitful Rooftop Gardens
Cloud 9 is an Exciting New Philadelphia Urban Farming Initiative
Illustrated Teatime Packaging
Illustrated Teatime Packaging
T'O'clock Branding is Centered Around Establishing Healthy Rituals
Filtering Water Bottles
Filtering Water Bottles
Sukori by Fan Bao Brings Portability to Potability
Lung Exercise Horns
Lung Exercise Horns
Disguised as a Party Blower, This Japanese Device Improves Lung Capacity
Smart Pill Bottles
Smart Pill Bottles
SMRxT's Design Ensures People Don't Take the Wrong Dose
Charitable Fitness Bands
Charitable Fitness Bands
UNICEF's Kid Power Bands Empower Kids to Do Good for Others
Pill-Inspired Purses
Pill-Inspired Purses
The Sarah's Bag Xanax-Inspired Fall 2015 Collection Mixes Humor and Medicine
Professional Pill Packaging
Professional Pill Packaging
Dr. Hart Medications are Dressed Up with Collared Shirts and Neckties
Savory Veggie Bars
Savory Veggie Bars
SimplyVeggie Savory Protein Snacks Are a Healthy Alternative to Sweet Bars
Cannabis Merchandising Firms
Cannabis Merchandising Firms
The High Road Design Studio is Aiming to Rebrand Medical Marijuana
American Culture Skateboards
American Culture Skateboards
Paul McCarthy x The Skate Room Uses Images Only Americans Understand
Next-Generation Air Purifiers
Next-Generation Air Purifiers
The Pure Cool Air Filter is Designed to Capture Ultrafine Particles
NFC Skin Patches
NFC Skin Patches
Researchers are Developing NFC Tech to Collect and Send Bio-Medical Information
Telemedicine Kiosks
Telemedicine Kiosks
Rite Aid's HealthSpot Stations Provide Instant Medical Consultations
In-Flight Comfort Charts
In-Flight Comfort Charts
This Air Travel Guide Includes Performing Seven Exercises on Planes
Affordable Custom Bikes
Affordable Custom Bikes
Kp Cykler Wants to Incorporate Style and Vintage Aesthetics for Less
Medication Reminding Devices
Medication Reminding Devices
The Alzheimer's Pillbox is Designed to Increase Independence
Artisan Yogurt Boutiques
Artisan Yogurt Boutiques
The Yogurt Culture Company is a Specialty Shop Located in NYC
Strength-Giving Vests
Strength-Giving Vests
The CareJack Vest Helps Wearers Lift Heavy Loads Using Stored Kinetic Energy
Rapid Plasma Readers
Rapid Plasma Readers
This Blood Type Analyzer Pen Would Enable Speedy Testing During Mass Trauma
Oil Pulling Packets
Oil Pulling Packets
Cocowhite's Coconut Oil Pulling Packs Bring Flavor to Oral Hygiene
Produce-Only Restaurants
Produce-Only Restaurants
CORE Kitchen's Healthy Fast Food is Made Purely From Fresh Produce
Artistic Vegan Cakes
Artistic Vegan Cakes
Chef Stephen McCarty Gives Art and Cuisine a Striking Spin
Nanotech Toothbrushes
Nanotech Toothbrushes
The New Misoka Toothbrush Uses Ions to Clean Teeth Instead of Toothpaste
Calf Muscle-Relieving Exoskeletons
Calf Muscle-Relieving Exoskeletons
This Unpowered Ankle Exoskeleton Improves Walking Efficiency
Sleep Improving Guides
Sleep Improving Guides
This Infographic Addresses Getting Back to Sleep in the Middle of the Night
Bedroom Robotic Technology
Bedroom Robotic Technology
Wake by Lucera Labs Gets People Out of Slumbers Gently and Healthily
Pollution Protection Garments
Pollution Protection Garments
This Face Mask Jacket Conceals a Breathable Barrier in the Collar
Reinforced Bamboo Toothbrushes
Reinforced Bamboo Toothbrushes
A Yumaki Teeth Cleaner is Manufactured with Metal and Woody Grass
3D-Printed Insoles
3D-Printed Insoles
SOLS Creates Custom Orthotics Using 3D Technology
Natural Toothbrushing Sticks
Natural Toothbrushing Sticks
Miswak Club Uses Parts of a Tree to Promote Good Oral Hygiene
Organic Middle Eastern Cosmetics
Organic Middle Eastern Cosmetics
Green Bar's Product Range Includes Botanical Oils and Skincare
Ultramodern Dental Clinics
Ultramodern Dental Clinics
This Japanese Dental Clinic Boasts a State-of-the-Art Minimal Design
Sanitizing Touchscreen Stations
Sanitizing Touchscreen Stations
Sterilyfe's Touchscreen Kiosk Makes Interactive Marketing Hygienic
Tangled Steel Facades
Tangled Steel Facades
The Open Courts Sports Complex is a Community Enrichment Project
Microfarming Juice Bars
Microfarming Juice Bars
The 'Living Produce Aisle' Grows All Ingredients Inside Its Shop
Medication Reminder Wristbands
Medication Reminder Wristbands
Alzheimer’s Watch Keeps Tabs on Pill Doses for Forgetful Patients
Rice Pizza Packaging
Rice Pizza Packaging
This Single-Serving Flatbread is Wrapped with Reference to Its Ingredients
Health Awareness Installations
Health Awareness Installations
This Ontario Pharmacy Marketing Stunt Informs Consumers
Hybrid Baby Strollers
Hybrid Baby Strollers
This Stroller Concept Has a Second Function as a Child's Bike Seat
Elegant Cannabis Dispensaries
Elegant Cannabis Dispensaries
This Albuquerque Dispensary Puts a New Spin on Pot Branding
Foot Therapy Insoles
Foot Therapy Insoles
Moticon's OpenGo Sensor System Monitors Physio Patients
Chic Blood Sugar Bands
Chic Blood Sugar Bands
Hi-Tech Wearable Accessory Measures Glucose Levels by a Futuristic Fashion
Garage-Grown Produce
Garage-Grown Produce
Vertical Fresh Farms is an Urban Farming Initiative in Buffalo
Healthy Sandwich Boxes
Healthy Sandwich Boxes
Lifestyle Foods' Grab-and-Go Line Makes Eating Right Easy
Pie Chart Packaging
Pie Chart Packaging
Bags of This Nutritious Soup Break Down Their Food Group Contents into Slices
Earthy Organic Juice Bars
Earthy Organic Juice Bars
Roots & Bulbs is a Stylish London Juice Bar with a Personality
Occult-Inspired Juice Branding
Occult-Inspired Juice Branding
This Juice Apothecary Boasts a Chic Understated Visual Brand
Punny Juice Packaging
Punny Juice Packaging
Purearth's Drink Bottles Combine Good Humor and Health
Scholarly Boutique Gyms
Scholarly Boutique Gyms
The Library Gym is Transforming Training into an Upscale Activity
Detoxifying Juice Branding
Detoxifying Juice Branding
Verve Juices Has a New Look for Its Line of Healthy Cleansing Drinks
Delicate Milk Tea Branding
Delicate Milk Tea Branding
This Pretty Milk Tea Packaging Design is Feminine and Organic
Plus-Size Padding Portraits
Plus-Size Padding Portraits
Refinery29 Uncovers a Plus-Size Practice That's Bad for Body Image
Contemporary Boutique Gyms
Contemporary Boutique Gyms
1Rebel in London is a Former Office Turned Theatrical Luxury Gym
Garden-to-Table Cafes
Garden-to-Table Cafes
This Kreuzberg Garden Project is an Organic Food Hub with a Quaint Cafe