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Top 100 Packaging Trends in February

From Italian Gelato Jars to Culturally Influenced Skincare

— February 19, 2017 — Lifestyle
These February 2017 packaging trends reveal a mix of products that use color, history and culture in order to stand out from competitors.

The gelato brand 'Nancy Silverton's Nancy's Fancy Gelato' is based in the United States, but its products aim to offer an authentic Italian experience. The brand does this through rustic labeling and through its use of dynamic flavors. In order to fuse its traditional influences with ones that are more contemporary, the brand uses clear jar-like containers to hold its products.

Sakhi Copenhagen was designed to fuse aspects of Eastern cultures with aspects of Western ones. The beauty brand uses skin-enhancing ingredients that are popular in the East, and combines those with the minimalist branding that is associated with Nordic design styles.
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Skin-Resurfacing Masks
Skin-Resurfacing Masks
This Tata Harper Mask Works to Improve the Appearance of Skin
Active Skincare Collections
Active Skincare Collections
This Anti-Aging Range Has a Natural Active Ingredient
Snail Essence Hair Products
Snail Essence Hair Products
This Snail CC Creme Provides Ample Benefits to the Hair
Non-GMO Oil Lotions
Non-GMO Oil Lotions
The Deep Steep Coconut Oil Body Lotion is Fast-Absorbing
Omega-3 Whole Milks
Omega-3 Whole Milks
These Organic Valley Milks Contain Fatty Acids to Enhance Health
Romantic Lip Liners
Romantic Lip Liners
theBalm's 'Pickup Liners' are Designed After Funny One-Liners
Specialized Coffee Collections
Specialized Coffee Collections
These Limited-Edition Coffees Offer Specific Background Stories
Refreshing Makeup-Fixing Sprays
Refreshing Makeup-Fixing Sprays
'Me & Youth' Offers Multi-Functional, Minimalist Products
Microclimate Olive Oils
Microclimate Olive Oils
This Spanish Olive Oil Was Created in a Very Particular Climate
Nutrient-Enriched Body Balms
Nutrient-Enriched Body Balms
This Product Works to Smooth Rough Skin and Boost Collagen Production
Luxury Chia Seed Puddings
Luxury Chia Seed Puddings
The Wellness Brand 'Moon Juice' Offers Organic Superfood Puddings
Affordable Art Collaborations
Affordable Art Collaborations
This Uniqlo Collection Features Jeffrey Deitch's Work for Under $100
Vegan Custard Puddings
Vegan Custard Puddings
Vegan Pudding & Co. Offers Healthy Alternatives to Classic Desserts
Fiber-Infused Sugars
Fiber-Infused Sugars
'Sugar 2.0' is Reduced Sugar that Has 50% Less Sugar Per Serving
Natural Muscle-Soothing Gels
Natural Muscle-Soothing Gels
The Brand Tata Harper Offers a Muscle Relief Gel
Youthful Appliance Branding
Youthful Appliance Branding
The Brand Pyramida Purposely Avoids Looking Sophisticated
Dry Luxury Tanning Oils
Dry Luxury Tanning Oils
The St. Tropez Luxe Dry Oil Provides Glowing Skin Without the Damage
Contemporary Pulque Branding
Contemporary Pulque Branding
A Studio Created a Modern Brand Concept for This Traditional Drink
Vacuum-Sealed Tea Cafes
Vacuum-Sealed Tea Cafes
Infuse Cafe Offers Traditional Beverages Made with Leading Technology
Full-Fat Organic Yogurts
Full-Fat Organic Yogurts
The Brand Stonyfield Has Come Out with a New Collection of Yogurts
Holiday Snacking Chocolate
Holiday Snacking Chocolate
The barkTHINS Dark Chocolate Gingerbread is a Decadent Dessert
Locally Sourced Gin Brands
Locally Sourced Gin Brands
Lussa Gin is Made from Local Botanicals in the Island of Jura
Flavored Coconut Milk Creamers
Flavored Coconut Milk Creamers
These Non-Dairy Milks are Ideal for Those with Dietary Restrictions
Spice-Infused Cheeses
Spice-Infused Cheeses
These Premium Cheeses Come with Intense Flavor Infusions
Artisanal Cracker Snacks
Artisanal Cracker Snacks
The Kii Naturals Artisan Crisps are Free of Artificial Ingredients
Chinese New Year Teas
Chinese New Year Teas
TEALEAVES' Newest Project Celebrates the Chinese Lunar New Year
Portion Control Dessert Cookies
Portion Control Dessert Cookies
The New Chips Ahoy Thins Make it Easier to Control Indulgence
Coffee-Flavored Black Teas
Coffee-Flavored Black Teas
JavaVana Mate Tea Offers Coffee Flavor Infusions
Fruit-Flavored Cold Brews
Fruit-Flavored Cold Brews
These Cold Brew Coffees Feature Typographic Labels and Unique Flavors
Plant-Based Beauty Elixirs
Plant-Based Beauty Elixirs
These Plant-Based Oils Were Designed to Target Common Skin Concerns
Omega-3 Peanut Butters
Omega-3 Peanut Butters
OhMega's Peanut Butter Offers High Nutritional Contents
Meatless Spanish Sausages
Meatless Spanish Sausages
Trader Joe's 'Soy Chorizo' Mimics a Classic Cured Pork Sausage
Organic Chocolate Puddings
Organic Chocolate Puddings
Belsoy's Pudding is Perfect for Those With Dietary Restrictions
Naturally Savory Snack Bars
Naturally Savory Snack Bars
The Mediterra Yogurt & Oat Bars Introduced Two New Flavors
Spiced Seasonal Breakfast Cereals
Spiced Seasonal Breakfast Cereals
The New Post Cinnamon Pebbles is Great Alone or in Recipes
Nutritious Vegan Half-and-Halfs
Nutritious Vegan Half-and-Halfs
Califia Farms' Better Half is a Vegan Dairy Replacement
Vegetable-Infused Bottled Teas
Vegetable-Infused Bottled Teas
The Lettuce Organic Flavored Teas are Made with Real Lettuce
Mood-Boosting Facial Mists
Mood-Boosting Facial Mists
Lake & Skye Offers a Unique Blend of Ingredients in its Mists
Pre-Cooked Microwavable Bacon
Pre-Cooked Microwavable Bacon
Danepak Rapid Rashers are a Quick Way to Get One's Bacon Fix
Rustic Italian Gelato Jars
Rustic Italian Gelato Jars
These Natural Gelatos Were Inspired by Their Italian Counterparts
High-Quality Artisan Nut Butters
High-Quality Artisan Nut Butters
The Buddy's All-Natural Peanut Butters Come in Three Flavors
Organic Shortcrust Cookies
Organic Shortcrust Cookies
Little Belgians Offers Guilt-Free Snacks for Health-Conscious Consumers
Agency-Designed Beer Kits
Agency-Designed Beer Kits
The Agency Los Figaro Offered End of Year Gifts for Clients
Empowering Lipstick Collections
Empowering Lipstick Collections
The Names of Hourglass Cosmetics' 'Girl Lip Stylo' are Inspiring
Alternative Milk Creamers
Alternative Milk Creamers
The Coffee-Mate Natural Bliss Almond and Coconut Milk Creamers are Tasty
Gold Foil-Wrapped Wine Bottles
Gold Foil-Wrapped Wine Bottles
This Vin Santo is Decorated with a Precious Metal
Nut Milk Cold-Pressed Coffees
Nut Milk Cold-Pressed Coffees
The Coffee So Good Cashew Mocha Coffee Cold Brew Has No Additives
Semi-Opaque Plant Packaging
Semi-Opaque Plant Packaging
These Air Plants Offer Minimalist Decor to the Home
Mashed Berry Beverages
Mashed Berry Beverages
'Nordic Berry' Offers Drinks Made from Berries Found in Northern Regions
Travel-Friendly Oral Care Packaging
Travel-Friendly Oral Care Packaging
This Crest Dental Care Product Branding is Simple and Clean
Protein-Rich Chocolate Bites
Protein-Rich Chocolate Bites
The Sulpice Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Bites Have Natural Fiber
Medicinal Cannabis Chips
Medicinal Cannabis Chips
Yummi Karma Creates Tortilla and Potato Chips with THC
Element-Themed Chinese Envelopes
Element-Themed Chinese Envelopes
The Agency 'Blow' Revitalizes the Concept of Red Envelopes
Music-Themed Makeup Palettes
Music-Themed Makeup Palettes
theBalm's Highlight and Contour Kit is Styled Like a Concert Flyer
Indulgent Low-Calorie Seaweed Snacks
Indulgent Low-Calorie Seaweed Snacks
The Ocean's Halo Dried Seaweed Snacks are a Healthy Choice
Wordly Sauce Jars
Wordly Sauce Jars
The Saucery Collection Offers a Series of Dynamic Flavors
Dairy-Free Chia Puddings
Dairy-Free Chia Puddings
These Chia Pods Come in a Variety of Dynamic Flavors
Nutritional Plant-Based Drinks
Nutritional Plant-Based Drinks
Soylent is Offering Nutritional, Good Quality Drinks in New Flavors
Botanical Cocktail Syrups
Botanical Cocktail Syrups
Cahoots Cocktail Co. Adds Flavor to Alcoholic Drinks
Liquid Cosmetic Compacts
Liquid Cosmetic Compacts
Estée Lauder's Makeup Compact Dispenses Liquid Formula with a Button
Botanical Perfume Packaging
Botanical Perfume Packaging
This Floral Perfume Packaged in a Way That Reflects Its Scent
Alphabetical Candle Branding
Alphabetical Candle Branding
These Candle Boxes Feature Reinterpreted Designs of Letters
Sophisticated Cubic Jam Jars
Sophisticated Cubic Jam Jars
The Brand 'Poco a Poco' Offers a Large Collection of Luxury Jams
European-Inspired Cider Collections
European-Inspired Cider Collections
The Brand Lillevik Alpine Features European Imagery
Experiential Chocolate Concepts
Experiential Chocolate Concepts
This Imagined Brand Changes the Way Chocolate is to Be Consumed
Color-Coordinated Vodka Branding
Color-Coordinated Vodka Branding
The Absolut + Pantone Brand Concept Merges Color and Flavor
Pharmaceutical Seed Packaging
Pharmaceutical Seed Packaging
The 'sow.pharm' Organic Seeds are for Consumption and Planting
Paleo Protein Snacks
Paleo Protein Snacks
Primal Joy Offers Nutritious Snacks for Healthy Eating
Eastern Ginger Brews
Eastern Ginger Brews
Mr. Mak's Ginbao Has Packaging Reminiscent of Ancient Medicines
Upcycled Coffee-Based Scrubs
Upcycled Coffee-Based Scrubs
This Environmentally Friendly Brand Optiat Offers Scented Body Scrubs
Microscopic Skincare Ranges
Microscopic Skincare Ranges
Microme Cosmetics Features Distinct Scientific Packages
Color-Coded Cold Brew Coffees
Color-Coded Cold Brew Coffees
This Coffee Collection is Offered by a South Korean Cafe
Minoan-Inspired Food Collections
Minoan-Inspired Food Collections
Minoan Spora Was Inspired by an Ancient Greek Civilization
Easy-Peel Beef Packaging
Easy-Peel Beef Packaging
Cargill's New 'EZ Peel' Packaging Eliminates Consumers' Contact with Meat
Dessert-Themed Makeup Packaging
Dessert-Themed Makeup Packaging
Beauty Bakerie's New Illuminators Come in Ice Cream-Inspired Tubs
Boxed Sock Packaging Concepts
Boxed Sock Packaging Concepts
These Sock Boxes Offer a Creative Way to Store These Clothing Items
Premium Spiced Trail Mixes
Premium Spiced Trail Mixes
Nuts 'N Nuts Offers Nutritious Snacks for Health-Conscious Consumers
Purity-Focused Cosmetics
Purity-Focused Cosmetics
RINGANA Cosmetics Use Fresh and Innovative Ingredients
Creamy Jam Collections
Creamy Jam Collections
Melatta's Jams Offer Spreads That are Both Fruity and Creamy
Cherubic Baby Food Jars
Cherubic Baby Food Jars
This Baby Food Reveals Endearing Minimalist Graphics
Fairy Tale-Themed Chocolates
Fairy Tale-Themed Chocolates
Konnerup Was Inspired by a Famed Author for This Chocolate Collection
Superfood Snack Chips
Superfood Snack Chips
The Burts Chips Quinoa Crinkles are a Healthy Chip Alternative
Artisanal Local Ingredient Dips
Artisanal Local Ingredient Dips
'Double Dips' are Made with Ingredients Sourced from the Community
Egyptian Fruit Juice Collections
Egyptian Fruit Juice Collections
Mas Green Offers Fruit and Juices in Patterned Packaging
Culturally Influenced Skincare Brands
Culturally Influenced Skincare Brands
Sakhi Copenhagen Fuses Nordic and Eastern Healing Traditions
Cartoon-Illustrated Chicken Packaging
Cartoon-Illustrated Chicken Packaging
This Pre-Marinated Chicken Reveals Playful Imagery
Meat-Focused Baby Foods
Meat-Focused Baby Foods
The Baby Likes Healthy Baby Food is Halal and Organic
Visualized Imagery Yogurt Branding
Visualized Imagery Yogurt Branding
The MOO Milk Yogurts Tell a Story Through the Packaging
Avian-Themed Bird Seed Packaging
Avian-Themed Bird Seed Packaging
This Packaging Concept is Both Highly Creative and Functional
Pretzel Dipping Snack Packs
Pretzel Dipping Snack Packs
These Pretzel Dips Offer a Flavorful On-the-Go Snack
Minimalist Tea Box Sets
Minimalist Tea Box Sets
The Teabox Brand Aimed to Revolutionize This Historical Beverage
Asian-Inspired Food Branding
Asian-Inspired Food Branding
This Cardinal Food Packaging Got a Globally Inspired Makeover
Artistic Rolling Paper Packaging
Artistic Rolling Paper Packaging
Babes Papes Offers Rolling Papers Along with Works of Art
Eco-Friendly Meat Packaging
Eco-Friendly Meat Packaging
Coveris' Nextrus Boneless Shrink Bags Boast Sustainable Properties
Multi-Lingual Beer Branding
Multi-Lingual Beer Branding
Bionic Brew Features Playful, Futuristic Branding
Alcohol-Accompanying Board Games
Alcohol-Accompanying Board Games
The Brand 'Stranger & Stranger' Has Released a Board Game
Mythological Soap Branding
Mythological Soap Branding
These Natural Handmade Soaps Were Inspired by Greek Gods
Modular Lunch Pack Services
Modular Lunch Pack Services
'Pak'd' Provides Children with Convenient and Nutritional Meals
Convertible Herbal Tea Packaging
Convertible Herbal Tea Packaging
These Conceptual Tea Blends Come in Potted Plant Packages