Consumers consider ways to conserve water in their daily lives
Implications - Fresh water may be a renewable resource, but the fact that the earth's supply of groundwater is steadily decreasing remains worrisome. Many eco-conscious consumers already take their water consumption into consideration, but in light of drought situations across the globe, even less eco-conscious consumers are considering ways to conserve water in their daily routines.
Workshop Question - How can your brand adopt better conservation practices, or contribute to causes that promote environmental protections?
Trend Themes
1. Water-recycling Systems - Water recycling systems, like the Shower of the Future, are becoming more popular, especially during drought situations.
2. Water-sharing Tools - Sharing water with others is made easier with tools like SWIIM, which promotes the selling and leasing of surplus water.
3. Water-conserving Products - Water conservation is made simpler with products like The 'Hydr' Shower Faucet and Hourglass Water Conservation Faucets, which help reduce water waste in the shower or during daily routines.
Industry Implications
1. Home Improvement - Home improvement companies can focus on developing and manufacturing water-recycling systems and water-conserving products to appeal to more environmentally-conscious homeowners.
2. Agriculture - Sharing water is crucial for farmers during droughts, and tools like SWIIM make it easier for farmers to sell or lease surplus water, increasing efficiency and saving money.
3. Smart Home Technology - There is an opportunity to integrate smart home technology with water-saving products like The 'Hydr' Shower Faucet and Hourglass Water Conservation Faucets to track water consumption and facilitate further conservation.
8 Featured, 66 Examples:
318,985 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Feb 15 — Mar 18
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