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Low-Tech Essentialism

Professionals embrace gadgets reduced to bare basics in favor of focus

Implications - As consumers become more inundated with digital distractions, many professionals are embracing low-tech alternatives that don't pose the threat of compromising productivity. In what can be considered a natural convergence of the push to "detox digitally" and the desire to stay focused, such products reduce the function of gadgets to the bare minimum as to streamline output. In this way, productivity becomes a value that is championed to the exclusion of all else, including digital access.
Workshop Question - If all elements of technology were to be stripped away, how would your products and services fare? What would the impact be?
Trend Themes
1. Digital Detox - Opportunities exist for businesses to provide low-tech alternatives to digital gadgets and devices that reduce distractions and help users detox digitally.
2. Low-tech Luxury - In a market saturated by high-tech gadgets, opportunities exist for companies to create and market sophisticated, well-designed low-tech products that add value to users' lives.
3. Miniaturization - As consumers seek more portable, easy-to-carry gadgets, opportunities exist for innovative businesses to create highly functional miniaturized versions of traditionally bulky devices.
Industry Implications
1. Technology - With the growing demand for low-tech alternatives and miniaturized devices, businesses in the technology industry can capitalize on opportunities to provide innovative solutions to customers that add value.
2. Fashion and Design - Opportunities exist for businesses in the fashion and design industries to incorporate low-tech designs into their products to stand out in a crowded market.
3. Music and Entertainment - As music consumption and production becomes more portable and accessible, businesses in the music and entertainment industries can innovate and create new products that cater to the needs of the modern musician and music lover.
4 Featured, 36 Examples:
99,597 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Aug 15 — Feb 16
Consumer Insight Topics:

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