Female wellness products are created for discrete transportation and storage
Implications - Targeting the Millennial female consumer, brands produce smaller packaging for hygiene and wellness products that are ideal for office jobs or college campus living. By reducing size and adding female-focused packaging aesthetic, brands are able to convey a sympathetic message that reinforces the need for personal care products that are easily stored or concealed.
Workshop Question - Considering the practical applications of your offerings, how can you make that experience more intuitive for the consumer?
Trend Themes
1. Hygiene Portability - Smaller packaging for hygiene and wellness products that are ideal for office jobs or college campus living.
2. Discreet Packaging - Uniform hygiene packaging concept to avoid the stigma associated with shopping for feminine hygiene products.
3. Cleaning Tool Innovation - Simplifying the process of cleaning makeup brushes with Practk Palmat Brush Cleaner.
Industry Implications
1. Branding and Packaging - Companies can consider adopting female-focused packaging aesthetics that convey sympathetic messages.
2. Feminine Hygiene Products - Creating innovative feminine hygiene products that allow for more discreet storage and transportation, such as emergency tampon necklaces, flip-over sanitary napkin packaging, and ultra-discreet packaging concepts.
3. Beauty Industry - Developing cleaning tools that are compact, flexible, and designed for quick and easy use such as Practk Palmat Brush Cleaner.