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Health Graphing

Charts and infographics on food and weight issues wake up unhealthy consumers

Implications - Although the direction in recent years has been toward healthier eating, many consumers -- and their children -- have continued their junkfood-ridden, zero-exercise lifestyles, leading some graphic artists to create arresting and visual charts and diagrams outlining the health issues faced by today's consumers. Ranging from food infographics to weight-tracking charts and more, these visual representations offer a way to wake up and grab the attention of people who have ignored the issue in the past.
Trend Themes
1. Health Infographics - Visual representations are being used to grab the attention of people who have ignored issues in the past.
2. Harmful Eating Habits Infographics - Infographics are being created to show the dangers of new eating habits acquired through fast-paced lifestyles.
3. Food and Diet Health Breakdown Infographics - Comprehensive infographics are being used to provide new perspectives on food and diet health trends.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare Industry - The healthcare industry can use these trends to provide innovative strategies to prevent health issues and promote healthy living.
2. Food and Beverage Industry - The food and beverage industry can use these trends to capitalize on the growing demand for healthier options and food transparency.
3. Graphic Design Industry - The graphic design industry can use these trends to create impactful visuals that communicate complex health information in a simple and understandable manner.
10 Featured, 66 Examples:
636,059 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Feb 12 — Jun 12

Featured Examples

Death Odds Charts
Death Odds Charts
The Chances of Dying Infographic Tells You What to Avoid
The Chances of Dying Infographic breaks down activities and tells you which ones are most likely to kill you and which ones are a safer bet. Some of the more dangerous sports include hang gliding,... MORE
Healthy Diet Infographics
Healthy Diet Infographics
America's Nutrition Evolution is a Graph About Food Choices's America's Nutrition Evolution infographic aims to separate "what we think vs. what we do," in evaluating the changes in the USDA food guides as well as diet related illness, and tips for… MORE
Weight-Tracking Graphs
Weight-Tracking Graphs
This Obesity Infograph is Alarming
Body weight is a much-publicized health issue on both ends of the scale, and this obesity infograph does an amazing job of breaking it down. Extremely comprehensive with a slew of understandable... MORE
Secret Healthy Living Guides
Secret Healthy Living Guides
The 'Scenic Route to a Longer Life' Infographic Discusses Longevity
The Scenic Route to a Longer Life infographic by is a guide to the kind of healthy living that will keep you alive past 100 years of age, but it's actually not as bad as may be expected. The… MORE
Red Meat Health Guides
Red Meat Health Guides
The Beef 101 Infographic Breaks Down Buying from the Butcher’s Beef 101 infographic provides a comprehensive review of the health benefits of eating beef and tips for buying from your butcher. According to the infographic, 25% of Americans... MORE
Carboholic Info Charts
Carboholic Info Charts
The Good Carbs vs. Bad Carbs Infographic Breaks it Down
Acting as an amazing tool to clear the air about ever-popular carb myths, the Good Carbs vs. Bad Carbs Infographic is here to help when you can’t decide between an apple and a slice of bread.... MORE
Calorie-Measuring Graphs
Calorie-Measuring Graphs
The Skinny on Dining Out Shows the Cost of Eating
Americans are trying their hardest to take the financial difficulties of day to day life into consideration when considering modern spending habits, but even opting for less expensive food comes at... MORE
Pesticide Produce Charts
Pesticide Produce Charts
The Dirty Dozen Infographic Lists Top Foods with Toxic Chemicals
Most people go about their grocery shopping without ever thinking where their produce comes from, but this infographic called ‘The Dirty Dozen: 12 Foods You Should Buy Organic’ will show... MORE
Expanding Waistline Costs
Expanding Waistline Costs
This Infograph Charts the High Price of Obesity in the Workplace
This infograph details even more reasons to stay healthy, specifically focusing on obesity in the workplace. Though not typically the focus of weight studies, this chart points out the financial... MORE
Over-Grubbing Graphs
Over-Grubbing Graphs
'Snacks in America' Apparently Need to be Controlled
The ‘Snacks in America’ infographic by Dandy shows that, as the typical lifestyle changes, so do eating habits. In today’s society, people are busier than ever before. This means... MORE

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