Exploring different solutions to power consumption via alternative energy sources
Implications - Although solar power and hydro power typically come to mind when one thinks of alternative energy sources, an increasing number of innovators are looking above and beyond. We've seen wind power become more prevalent in this regard, and lately, kinetic energy -- even energy from waste. As more consumers and brands become driven by environmental issues and goals, the exploration of new sources for fuel and energy is a natural direction in the fight for a greener world.
Trend Themes
1. Exploration of New Alternative Energy Sources - With eco-consciousness on the rise, innovators are exploring new alternative energy sources beyond solar and hydro power, such as wind power, kinetic energy and waste-powered energy.
2. Clean Energy Research and Development - Research and development of clean energy is becoming more prevalent, as seen in MIT's Clean Energy Accelerator and Philips' Microbial Home, providing opportunities for disruptive innovation in the energy industry.
3. Sustainable Agriculture and Deforestation Prevention - Companies like Bamboo Lota and the GE Multipurpose Farming Vehicle are developing sustainable agriculture solutions that promote economic development and prevent deforestation in poverty-stricken areas.
Industry Implications
1. Energy Industry - Alternative energy sources and clean energy research and development offer disruptive innovation opportunities in the energy industry.
2. Agriculture Industry - Sustainable agriculture solutions offer disruptive innovation opportunities in the agriculture industry.
3. Environmental Conservation Industry - Preventing deforestation, waste management, and promoting sustainability offer disruptive innovation opportunities in the environmental conservation industry.