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Mind Over Matter

Brain-related innovations demonstrate the power of the mind

Implications - It's amazing what our brains can do, and it's apparent in the number of innovations that depend on brainwaves to function. Designers and scientists are getting ever more creative when it comes to products that rely on mind control and use brain frequencies to perform an act or provide information. From mind-controlled apparel to concentration-improving headbands, these creative devices demonstrate the possibilities of applying the brain to design and innovation.
Trend Themes
1. Mind Control Technology - Merging the power of the mind to everyday objects, revolutionizing way we interact with them
2. Wearable Technology - Wearable devices usher in new ways of experiencing and monitoring the world around us
3. Brain-computer Interface - Devices that bridge the gap between the brain and computer open up endless new possibilities
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare - Mind-controlled prosthetics, and brainwave-reading technology offer new opportunities for treating neurological conditions and disabilities
2. Entertainment - Mind-reading gadgets and mind-controlled transportation redefine the gaming and entertainment experience
3. Fashion and Apparel - Mind-controlled clothing and accessories create new products and customization opportunities
7 Featured, 60 Examples:
582,461 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Mar 12 — Jun 12

Featured Examples

play_circle_filledCreepy Mind-Controlled Couture
Creepy Mind-Controlled Couture
Mechapolypse Gown by Nange Magro Moves Via Concentration
Nange Magro, a masters student at the London College of Fashion, has created a mind-controlled dress called the Mechapolypse gown. As bizarre as it sounds, the designer has indeed managed to create... MORE
play_circle_filledMind-Reading Decks
Mind-Reading Decks
The Board of Imagination Moves From Your Thoughts
The Board of Imagination is a skateboard controlled by the mind. Developed by organization Chaotic Moon Labs, the Board of Imagination is a skateboard that uses your brainwaves to work. The Board of… MORE
Brain-Scanning Sweatbands
Brain-Scanning Sweatbands
The XWave Sport Headband is a Mind-Monitoring Workout Accessory
The XWave Sport headband may not help you move objects with your brain or read people’s minds, but it will give you some valuable information about the brain activity taking place while you... MORE
play_circle_filledMind-Powered Prosthetic Limbs
Mind-Powered Prosthetic Limbs
The Braingate Robotic Arm Moves Based on Human Thought
For a paralyzed individual, the ability to move their arm or leg in the same way as everyone else used to be more science-fiction than reality, but the BrainGate robotic arm is making that dream a... MORE
Mind-Focusing Headpieces
Mind-Focusing Headpieces
Axio Headband Measures Brain Waves to Help You Concentrate
There’s no denying that individual productivity would be greatly enhanced if we could remove the distractions surrounding us, but what if we could control our brains instead? The Axio headband... MORE
play_circle_filledBrainwave Cellphone Technologies
Brainwave Cellphone Technologies
NeuroSky Introduces MindWave Mobile for iOS and Android
NeuroSky has just released its new technology called MindWave Mobile for iOS and Android. MindWave is a brainwave-reading gadget that is the first of its kind. MindWave Mobile is distinct because it... MORE
play_circle_filledSlumber-Inducing Masks
Slumber-Inducing Masks
NeuroDreamer Makes You Fall Asleep Via Ambient Music & Faded Light
For those who have trouble falling asleep, perhaps the NeuroDreamer sleep mask will help you out. Created by inventor and hacker Mitch Altman, the NeuroDreamer is a mask that will help you fall... MORE

Related Examples

Pre-EMS Apparatuses
Pre-EMS Apparatuses
COR First Response Cooling has the Capacity to Save Lives After Heart Attacks
Quirky Statement Headbands
Quirky Statement Headbands
The Agata Ruiz De La Prada Collection for Yoox are Adorably Odd
Sleep-Friendly Headphones
Sleep-Friendly Headphones
Gregory Martin Makes it Comfortable to Listen to Music While Dreaming
Vintage Yarn Accessories
Vintage Yarn Accessories
The Inez Gill Collection is Filled with Vibrantly Knit Pieces
play_circle_filledSleep-Supporting Chargers
Sleep-Supporting Chargers
The Night Light by Mr Douglas Wood Encourages Sweet Dreams
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The Stanford MRI Lab Hosted the First Love Competition
Cinematic Video Game Posters
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Ron Guyatt Re-Imagines Xbox, PS3 & Nintendo Titles as Movies
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Gamer Life Lessons Illustrations
Gamer Life Lessons Illustrations
The ‘Stuff I Learned From Video Games’ Cartoons
play_circle_filledGaming for Mental Health
Gaming for Mental Health
The SPARX 3D Fantasy Game Helps Players Cope with Depression
play_circle_filledEducational Value of Video Games
Educational Value of Video Games
This Ali Carr-Chellman Keynote Shows Benefits for Boys and Games
Sectioned Nap Packs
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The Ian Sklarsky NYC Future Zoo Piece Imagines the Year 2049
play_circle_filledVideo Game Massacre Montages
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play_circle_filledVirtual Reality GPS Devices
Virtual Reality GPS Devices
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31 Glorious Game Boy Finds
31 Glorious Game Boy Finds
From Geeky Gamer Beachwear to Classic Gaming Tablet Protectors
Snooze-Discouraging Apps
Snooze-Discouraging Apps
Starbucks Early Bird Offers Discounted Coffee for the Dedicated
Hand-Painted Gamer Headphones
Hand-Painted Gamer Headphones
The Princess Zelda and Link Headphones are Adorable
Reverse-Engineering Neuroscience
Reverse-Engineering Neuroscience
Joy Hirsch Discusses a New Frontier of Brain Imaging
Opulent Ebony Ear Pieces
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play_circle_filledElectric-Driven Decks
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Tri-Hued Skater Gear
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play_circle_filledThe Brain and Free Will
The Brain and Free Will
Michael Gazzaniga Argues That Cognitive Functions are Separate from Social
Clear Cranium Alien Art
Clear Cranium Alien Art
Gerrel Saunders Renders Transparent Skulls with Throbbing Brains
Skateboard Deck Statues (UPDATE)
Skateboard Deck Statues (UPDATE)
These Haroshi Wooden Sculptures are Artful and Intricate
Tank Tread Skate Decks
Tank Tread Skate Decks
The Rockboard Descender is Designed to Traverse Any and All Terrain
Skater Smartphone Covers
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The Skate Deck iPhone Case is Perfect for Tech-Savvy Boarders
Smartphone Slumber Monitors
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The Renew SleepClock Wakes a Person up Depending on Sleep Quality
Cunning Hardcover Cushions
Cunning Hardcover Cushions
The Dictionary Desk Pillow Appears Serious but Facilitates Office Naps
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AIRE by Joao Paulo Lammoglia Harnesses Wind Power in Breath
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play_circle_filledMind-Reading Armbands
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The Bar Rafeli Passionata Calendar is Captivating
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Skullcandy & RocNation Aviator Headphones Pumps Up the Volume
Popstar Apocalyptic Armor
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The Ian Finch-Field Steampunk Robot Arm is Justin Bieber Approved
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Upgrade to PRO