Keto diets are accommodated in everyday food and beverage products
Trend - The growing popularity of keto diets–which involve high-fat, low-carb consumption–has resulted in their adoption into food items that are considered part of people's everyday routines. Common products like cereals and creamers are being adapted to suit both keto diets, and the diets of those who are looking to eat healthier in general.
Insight - Pre-social media, branding around health was laser-focused on calorie restriction and weight loss. Now, social media functions as a catalyst for consumers to brand their lifestyles in the ways they choose–and food consumption rather than restriction is a large part of this space. Millennials and Gen Z are now trying to amplify their everyday routines in a way that's inspiring to their peers, and food products that offer both nutrition and easy adaption allow them to prioritize "wellness" rather than prescribed body ideals.
Insight - Pre-social media, branding around health was laser-focused on calorie restriction and weight loss. Now, social media functions as a catalyst for consumers to brand their lifestyles in the ways they choose–and food consumption rather than restriction is a large part of this space. Millennials and Gen Z are now trying to amplify their everyday routines in a way that's inspiring to their peers, and food products that offer both nutrition and easy adaption allow them to prioritize "wellness" rather than prescribed body ideals.
Workshop Question - How could your brand promote wellness in a way that's healthy for consumers both physically and mentally?
Trend Themes
1. Adaption of Products to Accommodate Keto Diets - Food items that are considered part of people's everyday routines are being adapted to suit both keto diets and the diets of those who are looking to eat healthier in general.
2. Wellness Focused Food Products - People are looking for food products that offer both nutrition and easy adaption that allow them to prioritize "wellness" rather than prescribed body ideals.
3. Keto-infused Functional Beverages - Functional beverages are being infused with keto-ingredients like collagen and MCT oil to offer consumers healthy fats, protein, and functional benefits.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - The food and beverage industry is adapting to accommodate the growing popularity of keto diets and the demand for wellness-focused food products.
2. Subscription Services - Monthly subscription services for specialty diet products are becoming more popular, offering convenience to consumers in their food choices.
3. Functional Beverage and Supplement Industry - Functional beverage and supplement industries are incorporating keto-friendly ingredients to cater to the growing demand for healthy products.