Portable massagers alleviate tension while consumers are on-the-go
Trend - Small, portable massagers are on the rise as consumers look for ways to alleviate the tension that accumulates throughout the day. Typically focused on reducing pain in the neck and shoulder area, these products allow consumers added comfort that's easy to take with them as they go about their routines.
Insight - With global self-reported stress levels rising, consumers are increasingly experiencing both the mental and physical strains that things like workplace stress, economic strain, and social and political issues can have on individuals. This shift is partially responsible for the growth of the "wellness" space in North America–and small portable massagers belong to that transition. Being both functional and convenient, these items are able to provide supplemental stress-relief without impeding on the routines that consumers are accustomed to.
Insight - With global self-reported stress levels rising, consumers are increasingly experiencing both the mental and physical strains that things like workplace stress, economic strain, and social and political issues can have on individuals. This shift is partially responsible for the growth of the "wellness" space in North America–and small portable massagers belong to that transition. Being both functional and convenient, these items are able to provide supplemental stress-relief without impeding on the routines that consumers are accustomed to.
Workshop Question - How could your brand alleviate stress in its customers or employees?
Trend Themes
1. Portable Pain Relief Devices - Consumers seek personal pain relief devices that can perform treatments whenever needed, spurring innovative solutions like compact massagers.
2. Wellness and Stress Relief - Growing levels of stress among consumers have driven the need for wellness solutions such as portable massagers that are convenient and can be integrated into their daily routine.
3. Wearable Massage Units - Wearable massage units that utilize electric muscle stimulation (EMS) technology and provide customizable and interactive treatments synced to user's choice of music are on the rise.
Industry Implications
1. Personal Care - Companies in personal care can create innovative and compact solutions like portable massagers to cater to the growing demand for wellness and stress relief among consumers.
2. Technology - Integrated technologies like EMS and music syncing are providing consumers with efficient and customized pain relief solutions, opening opportunities for companies in the tech industry to expand on this trend.
3. Fashion - Wearable massage units that function as a fashion accessory can provide added value to consumers and create new opportunities for businesses in the fashion industry.