Brands are infusing sodas with common mixed cocktail ingredients
Trend - Brands are crafting non-alcoholic sparkling sodas with common cocktail ingredients like bitters and spritzes. These sodas offer the strong bitter flavor of cocktails in a bar mixed with the refreshing nature of sparkling sodas while enabling guilt-free consumption without alcohol.
Insight - Consumers are drawn to cocktails over traditional drinks for their strong bittersweet flavors. However, the inflated prices charged at bars combined with the challenges associated with drinking alcohol, make these flavors less accessible in everyday life. Thus, consumers place pressure on brands to craft alcohol-free, refreshing products that do not compromise on the powerful bittersweet flavors of cocktails.
Insight - Consumers are drawn to cocktails over traditional drinks for their strong bittersweet flavors. However, the inflated prices charged at bars combined with the challenges associated with drinking alcohol, make these flavors less accessible in everyday life. Thus, consumers place pressure on brands to craft alcohol-free, refreshing products that do not compromise on the powerful bittersweet flavors of cocktails.
Workshop Question - How could your brand repurpose ingredients for a different consumer base?
Trend Themes
1. Alcohol-free Beverages - Crafting non-alcoholic cocktails with the essence of traditional cocktail ingredients and flavors.
2. Personalized Drinks - Catering to people with varying lifestyles and dietary restrictions, while providing unique flavor experiences.
3. Functional Mixers - Incorporating functional ingredients that offer health and nutritional benefits into beverage mixers.
Industry Implications
1. Beverage Industry - Crafting sophisticated and innovative non-alcoholic beverages.
2. Wellness Industry - Creating drinks that serve a functional purpose offering health benefits, such as providing vitamins or catering to dietary restrictions.
3. Hospitality Industry - Offering a distinct and exciting selection of non-alcoholic offerings for customers, catering to a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences.