Celebrity brands and corporate giants add star power to private label wines
Implications - Both corporations and celebrities are branding their own wine. The last few years have triggered dozens of celebrity-branded wines, including bottles from Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt and Martha Stewart. On the corporate front, wines have been branded by companies as diverse as Harley Davidson and Microsoft. The concept of celebrity or corporate branding has a double impact: the product benefits from association with a well-known celebrity or corporation; and the celebrity/corporation benefits from association with whatever experience is had through use or consumption of the product.
Trend Themes
1. Celebrity & Corporate Branding - The trend of celebrity and corporate branding in the wine industry creates an opportunity for disruptive innovation in product promotion and communication.
2. Charitable Wines - Charitable wines that donate a portion of sales to different causes provide an avenue for disruptive innovation in the wine industry, especially in terms of heightened corporate social responsibility.
3. Innovative Wine Packaging - Innovative wine packaging, such as canned wines or those associated with popular social media sites, offer opportunities for disruptive innovation in the packaging, distribution, and promotion of wine products.
Industry Implications
1. Food & Beverage Industry - The food and beverage industry can incorporate celebrity and corporate branding, charitable giving, and innovative packaging into their product offerings to increase customer engagement and social responsibility.
2. Marketing Industry - Marketing professionals can explore new ways to promote and communicate wine products by incorporating celebrity and corporate branding, charitable giving, and innovative packaging into their campaigns.
3. Nonprofit Industry - Nonprofit organizations can partner with wine industry players to create charitable wine products and promotions that not only generate funds for their causes, but also increase brand recognition and customer engagement.