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100 Shopping Experience Enhancements

From Augmented Reality Changerooms to Germ-Free Grocery Carts

— May 3, 2012 — Business
Cruising the mall is a joy for some and a torture for others, but a vast array of newly implemented shopping experience enhancements will help to make the retail environment a dream -- or tolerable, at the very least.

With the explosion of online shopping, the in-store consumer marketplace has suffered from decreased foot traffic as shoppers are avoiding lines and pushy sales clerks in favor of purchasing goods from the comfort of their own home. The traditional store is thus in need of a makeover and various retailers have begun focusing on changing around the way that they do in-person business to bring the card-carting, cash-blowing consumer back into their shops.

While many stores are embracing online reward systems, the physical shop itself has been reworked with colorful displays and smartphone-enabled checkout lines for speedier payment.
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Sourcing Consumer Experience
Sourcing Consumer Experience
Richard Moross Describes How Window Shopping Informs Product Design
Virtual Shoe Sizers
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Shoefitr Helps Make Online Footwear Shopping Less of a Shot in the Dark
Consumer Choice-Makers
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'Just buy this one' Takes the Guessing Out of Online Shopping
Computer-Generated Products
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The Tesco Augmented Reality Campaign is Futuristic
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'Send the Trend' Brings Professional Style to Online Shopping
Body-Scanning Tailors
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Bodymetrics Promises to Deliver a Perfectly Cut and Trimmed Pair of Jeans
Image Recognition Shopping Apps
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Perfectly Personalized Shoppers
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These Property Of… Andy Totes Come Engraved
Model Airplane Shopping Cards
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The Target Bullseye Flyer Gift Card is Perfect for Kids
Social Media Shopping
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Wal-Mart Online Adds Small Town Appeal to the Big Box Retailer
Frustrating Discount Campaigns
Frustrating Discount Campaigns
JC Penny 'Nooo' Commercial Pokes Fun at Confusing Sales
Speedy QR Payment Apps
Speedy QR Payment Apps
Kuapay App Lets You Pay for Purchases From Your Smartphone
Retailer Magazine Apps
Retailer Magazine Apps
Zappos ZN Combines Editorial Content and Online Shopping
Shape-Shifting Mannequins
Shape-Shifting Mannequins
The Female Fitbot Transforms Itself to Match Your Body Size
Shopping List Eco Bags
Shopping List Eco Bags
The Tide Smart Bag Aims to Reduce Plastic Waste
Smartphone Superstores
Smartphone Superstores
The Tesco Subway Virtual Store Brings Shopping to Cyberspace
Interactive Coat Hangers
Interactive Coat Hangers
Clothing Retailer 109 Men's Introduces a Series of Hi-Tech Devices
Mobile Shopping Projectors
Mobile Shopping Projectors
The Escort Shopping Phone Lets You Virtually Try on Clothes On-The-Go
Grocery Store-Inspired Cycles
Grocery Store-Inspired Cycles
Amxma's Simple One Folds Up into a Shopping Cart
Fitting Room Firemen
Fitting Room Firemen
Penningtons Styled to Surprise Campaign Wows Unexpected Shoppers
Robotic Shopping Dummies
Robotic Shopping Dummies
Dr. Hiroshi Ishiguro's Android Mannequin Interacts with Consumers
Intuitive Grocery Shopping
Intuitive Grocery Shopping
Use the SK Telecom Smart Cart System for In-Store Personalization
Crowdsourced Shopping Playlists
Crowdsourced Shopping Playlists
Gap Store in San Francisco Lets Customers Choose In-Store Music
Window Shopping Clothing Campaigns
Window Shopping Clothing Campaigns
These Coach AW11 Prints Promote Purchase Interest
Interior Navigators
Interior Navigators
Google Maps Indoors Helps You Find Your Way Inside Large Buildings
Blind Grocery Guides
Blind Grocery Guides
The Love Card from Shen Ming Makes Sightless Grocery Shopping Easier
In-Store Manicures
In-Store Manicures
Touch Up Your Nails With the Sephora Nail Studio Art & Lacquer Services
Male-Oriented Retail Playgrounds
Male-Oriented Retail Playgrounds
IKEA Manland Gives Boyfriends and Husbands a Break from Shopping
High Fashion Robots
High Fashion Robots
Tasaki Replaces Their Store Mannequins with Androids
Sustainable Concept Boutiques
Sustainable Concept Boutiques
East London's 123 Store is a True Shopping Experience
Furniture Store Slumber Parties
Furniture Store Slumber Parties
IKEA Sleepover Offers Fans a Night of Fun & Pampering
Coat Rack Shopping Carts
Coat Rack Shopping Carts
The UpCart is a Radical Grocery Trolley Design
Minimalistic Chic Boutiques
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Massimo Iosa Ghini Designs the Posh Interior of Faraone in Milan
Load-Lifting Shopping Aids
Load-Lifting Shopping Aids
The Tube Grip Will Make Your Shopping Experience Lighter
Shopping Cart Birdcages
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Couture Corner Store Bags
Couture Corner Store Bags
Plastic Handbags Upgrade With These Cast Of Vice Leather Shopping Bags
Personalized Lookbook Shopping
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Shopaholic Smartphone Apps
Shopaholic Smartphone Apps
The Snapette App Lets You Share and Suggest Fashion Finds
Virtual 3D Shopping Apps
Virtual 3D Shopping Apps
The Zegna inSTORE Allows Luxury Browsing From Your iPad
Visual Barcode Scanners
Visual Barcode Scanners
See Assistive Techology Makes it Easier for the Blind to Shop
Barcode Translators
Barcode Translators
The Finger Reader Makes Grocery Shopping Easier on the Blind
Jaw-Breaking Bag Hooks
Jaw-Breaking Bag Hooks
These Grocery Bag Brass Knuckles are for Tough Shoppers
Flighty Fashion Stores
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The Air New Zealand Clothes Hangar Store Takes Style Sky-High
Electro-Meat Deli Shops
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Tongues Delicatessen is a Mix of Meat, Cheese & Electro Music Records
Grocery Store GPS Guides
Grocery Store GPS Guides
The Meijer Find-It App Helps You Find the Frozen Food Section
Strange Mexican Malls
Strange Mexican Malls
Fabrica La Aurora is a Warehouse of Unusual Oddities
Comprehensive Virtual Makeovers
Comprehensive Virtual Makeovers
ModiFace Inc. Allows Shoppers to Try Cosmetics and Clothes Online
Germaphobic Grocery Carts
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The X-Grip Wiper Disinfects Our Hands While We're Shopping
Virtual Window Shopping
Virtual Window Shopping
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Cozy Private Watch Parlors
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Split-Personality Shopping Centers
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Grocer Smartphone Docks
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The iShop is Designed to Streamline Food Shopping
Psychedelic Shopping Spaces
Psychedelic Shopping Spaces
The Decameron Furniture Store Isn't Afraid to Play With Colors
QR Scanned Shopping
QR Scanned Shopping
The P & G Virtual Drugstores Open in Prague Subway Stations
Juiced-Up Grocery Carts
Juiced-Up Grocery Carts
Motorized Shopping Cart Delivers on Entertainment
Crater-Filled Retail Displays
Crater-Filled Retail Displays
The Mostip Shoe Shop Mimics the Moon's Surface
Curvy Shop Redesigns
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Hostede Optiek by Alexander Nowotny Makes Shopping Adventurous
Hill-Shaped Shopping Malls
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This Foreign Office Architects Shopping Complex is Incredibly Designed
Crystalline Shopping Centers
Crystalline Shopping Centers
The Starhill Gallery by Sparch is Luxuriously Faceted
Ruggedly Raw Boutiques
Ruggedly Raw Boutiques
Hostem Shop in London Offers a Simple & Unfinished Look
Protruding Sculptural Stores
Protruding Sculptural Stores
The Lake & Stars Popup Shop by SOFTlab is Enlightening
Copycat Furniture Stores
Copycat Furniture Stores
11 Furniture in China is a Replica of Furniture Mega-Store IKEA
Pedal-Powered Shopping Carts
Pedal-Powered Shopping Carts
The Trolley-Bike Makes Going from Aisle to Aisle Easier
Calm Plant-Filled Boutiques
Calm Plant-Filled Boutiques
Replay Paris Flagship Store Provides Relaxation for Body & Mind
Check Stand Grocery Prams
Check Stand Grocery Prams
The GoFa Shopping Cart Records All of the Items You Put into Your Cart
Leather Grocery Bags
Leather Grocery Bags
Cast of Vices Creates Shopping Cart Couture With Leather Bags
Subway-Themed Shops
Subway-Themed Shops
CLVII Store in Berlin Features Eye-Catching Printed Walls
Fold-Out Shopping Carts
Fold-Out Shopping Carts
The Quirky Crowdsourced 'Go Caddy' Hand Truck is Super Convenient
Wild Window Storefronts
Wild Window Storefronts
The Louis Vuitton Ostrich Displays are Beckoning People Inside
Revamped Shopping Centers
Revamped Shopping Centers
The Gerngross! is Revamped by LOVE Architecture & Urbanism
Dinosaur-Themed Malls
Dinosaur-Themed Malls
Galerie Harfa in Czech Republic Brings the Mesozoic Era to the 21st Century
Supermarket-Style Clothing Stores
Supermarket-Style Clothing Stores
The Super A Market Concept Store is a One-Stop Luxury Shop
3D Retail Shopping Walls
3D Retail Shopping Walls
The Ultimate Retail Therapy With the adiVerse Virtual Footwear Wall
Grid-Like Shoe Exhibits
Grid-Like Shoe Exhibits
'SNEAKEROLOGY' by Espionage Displays Sneakers Similar to a Museum
Reusable Grocery Totes
Reusable Grocery Totes
The Neiko Market Bag Collection Promotes Local Shopping
Folding Bike Carts
Folding Bike Carts
The Ville Bicycle Shopping Cart Lets You Transport Your Purchases Home
Augmented Reality Changerooms
Augmented Reality Changerooms
TOPSHOP Kinect Allows the Users to Try Clothes On Sans Change Rooms
Virtual Shop Welcomers
Virtual Shop Welcomers
The Holographic Greeter Provides New Incentives for Retail Consumers
Secret Garden Shoe Shops
Secret Garden Shoe Shops
Studio Ginger Designs Wittner Store in Melbourne
Cardboard Creature Pop-Ups
Cardboard Creature Pop-Ups
Stella McCartney Kids Pop-Up Shop Offers a Cute Shopping Experience
Pop-Up Shopping Centers
Pop-Up Shopping Centers
Boxpark Mall is the First Mall Made from Shipping Containers
Interactive Window Shopping
Interactive Window Shopping
Hi-tech Interactive Window Displays Will Change the Future of Retail
Interactive Merchandising
Interactive Merchandising
The Post-Recession Luxottica Group's Eye Hub Store
Exquisite Couture Temp Stores
Exquisite Couture Temp Stores
Louis Vuitton Pop-Up Shop Opens for Cannes Film Festival
Scannable Window Shopping
Scannable Window Shopping
John Lewis Virtual Shop Lets People Conveniently Click and Collect
Futuristic Geometric Boutiques
Futuristic Geometric Boutiques
Shine Store by NCDA is Sleek and Contemporary
Avian-Inspired Jewelry Shops
Avian-Inspired Jewelry Shops
Dodo Boutique by Paola Navone Offers a Stunning Shopping Experience
Impromptu Urban Markets
Impromptu Urban Markets
Stockbox Grocers Create Petite City-Friendly Food Stores
Mystical Artsy Storefronts
Mystical Artsy Storefronts
'Moon Princes' by Kahori Maki Conveys an Adventurous Experience
Assembly Line Stores
Assembly Line Stores
The Munich 'La Rocha' Shoe Shop is a Series of Conveyor Belts
Museumlike Bike Shops
Museumlike Bike Shops
The Barcelona Pave Bicycle Store is Arranged Like an Art Gallery
Extreme Interactive Shopping
Extreme Interactive Shopping
The Garry Cohn 'Lifestyle Sports' Store Concept is Off the Wall
Bold Yellow Book Shops
Bold Yellow Book Shops
Saraiva Bookstore Offers a Vibrant Shopping Experience
Interactive Shopping Bags
Interactive Shopping Bags
The Kokoa Hut Bag Makes Shopping a Personalized Experience
Mansion Shopping Malls
Mansion Shopping Malls
The Barbra Streisand Harper's Bazaar Dream House Photo Shoot
The Simons Experience
The Simons Experience
Get Your Fashion Fix With Canada's Premier Retailer (Sponsored)
Pop-Up Shopping Pods
Pop-Up Shopping Pods
The Nike+ Fuelstations
Basket-Toting Trolleys
Basket-Toting Trolleys
Levo Shopping Cart Makes Collecting and Carrying Groceries Conventient