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Seaweed Spice

Snacks adopt seaweed spice mixtures for a sophisticated flavor profile

Implications - Paired up with spices and salts, seaweed is seeing a revival as an accessible flavor for the adult snacker. No longer just a superfood ingredient for the ultra health-conscious consumer, seaweed is becoming a flavoring agent in its own right, appealing to the fad-chasers on the hunt for something new and exciting.
Workshop Question - How can you adopt an elitist trend to be more accessible to the modern consumer?
Trend Themes
1. Seaweed Revival - Seaweed is becoming a flavoring agent in its own right, appealing to the fad-chasers on the hunt for something new and exciting.
2. Crowdsourcing - Brands are using crowdsourcing as a way to generate new flavor ideas, as seen in the 'Raise the Bar' contest by KIND.
3. Customized Flavors - Snack companies like Twistd are allowing consumers to mix and match flavors with portion-controlled tubes featuring different seasoning blends.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - The trend of seaweed seasoning and healthy snacks can disrupt the food and beverage industry with innovative flavor combinations for millennial consumers.
2. Health and Wellness - As seaweed becomes more popular as a superfood ingredient, the health and wellness industry can leverage this trend by incorporating it into products like snack bars or seasoning as a nutrient-rich alternative.
3. Marketing and Advertising - Crowdsourcing flavors and customization can disrupt the marketing and advertising industry as it allows brands to engage with their consumers and create a sense of community around their products.
4 Featured, 35 Examples:
72,239 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Apr 17 — Aug 17
Consumer Insight Topics:

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