Newspapers show they are not a dying breed with new & innovative marketing tactics
Implications - Over the last decade, many have declared the newspaper a dying media form, but while newspaper circulation has certainly experienced a drastic decline all over the world -- according to American Thinker, circulation in the United States has fallen by almost 11 million readers since the year 2000 -- many outlets are attempting to reverse the trend with innovative and creative marketing and production tactics. For example, Headline News in the UAE has opted to print top headlines on beer packaging, while the Free Press in Winnipeg, Canada, has opened up a its own coffee shop to enhance interaction with its readers. In an age when digital media is king and attention spans are shorter, reinventing the wheel -- as it pertains to players in the newspaper industry -- may be absolutely necessary to survive.
Trend Themes
1. Innovative Marketing Tactics for Newspapers - Newspapers are embracing new and creative marketing and production tactics to reverse the trend of declining circulation in the digital age, presenting opportunities for disruptive innovation.
2. Accessibility to Foreign News - Services like Worldcrunch, which makes foreign language newspapers accessible to English readers, are removing barriers to accessing information, presenting opportunities for innovation in creating services for connecting internet users to issues in unfamiliar parts of the world.
3. Personalized and Miniature Newspapers - Advancements in technology allow for the creation of personalized and miniature newspapers, such as the El Pais Con Tacto braille publication and Little Printer, presenting opportunities for innovative product design and development.
Industry Implications
1. Publishing - Newspapers and other news publications can benefit from adopting new and creative marketing and production tactics to reverse the trend of declining circulation and readership.
2. Translation/localization - As internet users look to gain insight into problems in unfamiliar parts of the world, there is an opportunity for disruption in creating services for accessing foreign language newspapers in local languages.
3. Technology - Advancements in technology are creating opportunities for innovation in the design and development of personalized and miniature newspapers, such as braille publications and the Little Printer.