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Certain Sobriety

Safeguarding against drunkenness with innovative breathalyzers

Implications - According to the 2008 Traffic Safety Annual Assessment by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), one person dies in a drunk-driving accident every 50 minutes. This is a shocking statistic that highlights the problem of drinking and driving in our society, and has perhaps served to push innovators into creating new and portable tools for measuring drunkenness. These innovative breathalyzer systems, which range from watches to clothing, encourage consumers to be extra cautious before getting behind the wheel and help to underline the fact that it's never okay to drink and drive.
Trend Themes
1. Portable Breathalyzers - Portable breathalyzers in the form of timepieces, outerwear, and smartphone attachments are becoming increasingly popular and relevant due to the risks of drunk driving.
2. Smart Sensors - Smart sensors, including electronic noses, are being used to measure blood alcohol levels with escalating precision.
3. DIY Alcohol Monitoring Devices - A new category of DIY devices such as the Talking Breathalyzer have surfaced, which not only tests intoxication levels but also offer additional features such as voice messaging and texting.
Industry Implications
1. Health and Safety - The health and safety industry could develop new solutions utilizing smart breathalyzer sensors to prevent drunk driving.
2. Consumer Electronics - Electronics companies have the opportunity to produce innovative portable devices such as the iBreathAnalyzer that attach to smart devices and may hold the key to preventing life-threatening incidents.
3. Apparel and Wearables - The rise of the wearable technology industry could provide new ways of integrating breathalyzer technology into clothing and accessories, including watches and jackets, expanding the concept of smart sensor technology.
5 Featured, 33 Examples:
354,940 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Jun 11 — May 12

Featured Examples

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Smartphone Breathalyzer Monitors
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