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Odd Edibilities

Consumers are tasting their way into unexpectedly consumable goods

Implications - A variety of products that wouldn’t traditionally be eaten now come in edible variations including gold, silver, flowers, picnic baskets, menus, chess sets, LEGO and business cards. A product that is edible instantly achieves more appeal than its traditional version. When it comes to consuming luxuries like gold and silver, people feel they can infuse themselves from the inside out in opulence, while adding a consumable attribute to a product raises hype, encourages interaction and makes it more covetable and intriguing.
Trend Themes
1. Edible Art - Food is not just tasty, but presented in a certain way, can be very beautiful to look at. Turning well-known meals into artworks preserves the gourmet attraction. This trend shows that people are drifting away from traditional art and want something more unique in their everyday living.
2. Edible Innovation - The status quo is no longer sufficient; people crave invention and are open to non-traditional edible items. This opens up opportunities for new culinary industries such as edible tech and edible fashion.
3. Luxury Edibles - Edible innovations are no longer just for kids- adults want to try new and opulent culinary creations as well. This presents opportunities for luxury food industries to merge edible art with rare and sumptuous ingredients to cater to an elevated clientele.
Industry Implications
1. Luxury Food Industry - The trend towards opulent edibles like gold-infused vodka and other specialty items has presented opportunities for luxury food industries to tap into new markets.
2. Edible Tech Industry - The concept of edible tech could be the next frontier in food and innovation. This presents opportunities for the tech industry to merge with the culinary arts and provide a new type of edible creation.
3. Edible Fashion Industry - Edible fashion can combine innovation, luxury and sustainability- new edible packaging solutions along with chic edible accessories can provide a unique angle on the fashion industry.
8 Featured
110,761 Total Clicks
Date Range:
May 07 — Nov 07
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

Ingestible Silver Pills
Ingestible Silver Pills
Twenty Four Hours of Sparkly Poo In a Pill
Last year, Trend Hunter featured edible gold pills that let you ingest your wealth. Now you can ingest silver pills. Does the world need twenty fours hours of sparkly poo in a pill? I don't know, but… MORE
Luxury Liquor Secrets
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Edible Business Cards
Edible Business Cards
Arigatou Co. Prints on Nuts, Pasta and More
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Amazing Edible Art
Amazing Edible Art
Surreal Sculpted Cakes Will Make Any Birthday Special
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play_circle_filledEdible Flower Art
Edible Flower Art
Wild Hibiscus In Syrup
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Edible Picnic Containers
Edible Picnic Containers
When Eco Chic-Food Meets Edible Fashion
Mange2 is an edible picnic container for two people. It is a unique and innovative product being the first edible packaging solution. It is aimed at upmarket delis and consumers that as dissatisfied with… MORE
Edible Building Blocks- These LEGO Pieces are Constructive Snacks
Edible Building Blocks- These LEGO Pieces are Constructive Snacks
Children like to play with their food, and they like colourful sweeties. Now, children can have both, with Kellogg USA's Lego Fun Snacks. These are colourful snacks that are shaped like Lego pieces in… MORE
Edible Chess Sets
Edible Chess Sets
Play Your Game and Eat it Too
Chess pastry cutters set can make your game more satisfying. It's even more fun to play any game when you can the game itself! “This cookie cutter set comes with shapes for all the different pieces, as… MORE
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